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not set
Type Surname (from occupation)
Pronounced Pron. Pe-ne-bay-ker  [key]
Other Forms FormsPanabaker Panebaker Pannabaker Pannabecker Pannapacker Pannebaker Pannebakker Pannebecker Pannenbecker Pannepacker Penabaker Penebaker Pennabaker Pennabecker Pennebacker Pennebecker Pennepacker Pennybacher Pennybacker Pennybaker Pennypacker Pfannebecker Pfannenbecker

Meaning & History

Coming from the Dutch name Pannebakker. The name is of occupational origin and is traceable to a term literally translated as "producer of tiles." Legend has it that the family imigrated from central Europe in the mid 1300’s to the Netherlands to escape the wars and plague that were common in the area at that time.
Added 2/13/2019 by anonymous