Browse Submitted Surnames

This is a list of submitted surnames in which the person who added the name is stopbelia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Anheuser German
Last name of Eberhard Anheuser, founder of the Anheuser-Busch company.
Dutroux French, Belgian
Last name of Marc Dutroux, Belgian serial killer and child molester.
Göring German
German surname most commonly associated with Nazi Party leader, Hermann Göring.
Knitts English
Derived from the given name Knut.
Peevey Norman, English
Means "a place with a fine view". Composed of the Old French roots beu, which means "fair" and "lovely", and voir, which means "to see".
Pirrip Literature, Popular Culture
Surname of the main character in Charles Dickens novel, Great Expectations.
Pirrup Popular Culture
Variant of the surname Pirrip. It is the last name of the British character, Pip, on the animated TV series South Park
Stotch Popular Culture
Butters Stotch is one the reoccurring characters on the animated TV series South Park.
Testaburger Popular Culture
Wendy Testaburger is one of the reoccurring characters on the animated TV series South Park
Tweak Popular Culture
Tweek Tweak is one of the reoccurring characters on the animated TV series South Park.
Valmer Estonian (?)
Surname which is believed to have originated in Estonia, although its meaning is unknown.