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[Facts] Re: Last name options
in reply to a message by john
John,Laws vary by state, of course, but I tend to think that if the mother and father are married, the child in most states has to assume whatever legal last name the father bears at that time, OR may be given a hyphenated combo of the parents' last names (which I personally find awkward and unattractive unless you're a character in a P.G. Wodehouse story, but that's merely my opinion.)If the mother and father are NOT married, the mother probably has the option legally of giving the child either last name (I see this around here quite often).It may be possible in some places to give the child an entirely different last name, if you so desire. The local County Clerk's office (if you're in the US) can probably tell you definitively what the legal options are in your state.Please note that I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV. Further proof that God is merciful...
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