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[Games] Making a Family - Step 4
Your eldest(s) have gone into their next level of schooling & the others are following in like. Plus you are expecting another child. Also in this one something else new & good happens to either you or your significant other or the entire family, your choice but it can't have anything to do w/ having or getting an addition to the family.
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My oldest Micah Noah and Emma are starting 2nd grade and Rebekkah is in Kindergarten now.. We are expecting twins two boys to be named Morgan Reid/Logan Thomas
the oldest are excited about the new babies comming but not Rebekkah she will not give up her baby spot easilyWe have wonderful news though.. my husband Phillip is being promoted to Plant Manager and with that a salary increase of 20,000 more a year and added benifits!
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My oldest Micah Noah and Emma are starting 2nd grade and Rebekkah is in Kindergarten now.. We are expecting twins two boys to be named Morgan Reid/Logan Thomas
the oldest are excited about the new babies comming but not Rebekkah she will not give up her baby spot easilyWe have wonderful news though.. my husband Phillip is being promoted to Plant Manager and with that a salary increase of 20,000 more a year and added benifits!
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Today Luke began second grade and Alyce and Lucy began kindergarten. We're all in a sense of transition, especially with another sister coming into the world soon. I'm nervous about Luke, I'm not sure if he's as social as the other children and he's very sensitive about it.
My mother is coming to visit soon and the family is very excited because they love their Granny.

This message was edited 11/25/2004, 5:00 PM

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We have moved!
We moved from our itsy bitsy town house into a spacious house in Newton.
Markie and Ben are doing wonderfully. They have just started 4th grade. Markie loves to paint in art class and Ben likes Gym class (of course)
Jack is just entering kindergarten. He has many friends and loves to talk about his "girl friend" Emma!
We are also expecting another baby. If it is a boy he will be named Asher and a girl will be named Louisa.
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Violet is moving to a new school for third grade. Enid is now in first. My girls are growing up so fast. Alex and I decided to try for one more child. We don't know what we'll be having-- either Anya Josephine or Malcolm Henry. Alex just got a new job--in London! We are so excited. I've always wanted to travel the world with a family, it's such a great environment for the children. As soon as Anya or Malcolm gets here, we'll be moving to our new house in London.
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correctionedit: should be Anya Penelope not Josephine.
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Rebecca & Pierre
Atticus Emmanuel, Phineas Maximilian & Caspian Aloysius
Emeric Barnabas
Peregrine Inigo
Cedric Vladimir & Argus IgnatiusAtticus, Phineas and Caspian are now in year 3, they are very tall boys for their ages. THey have curly dark hair (Caspians more unruly than they others) They still are passionate about their music (they are all learning at least 2 instruments each) and their dancing. Phineas has come out of his shell and is enjoying more sports and Atticus is doing the same. Where as Cassie has calmed down a bit, even though he is the class "clown".Emeric is now in year 2, he has been skipped a year ahead. He still is our little monkey, and we still get calls to the school about him pulling pranks on the teachers, but he is settling into school very well.My precious baby Peregrine is now in Pre school. He is very grown up and very very tall!! He loves music and dance but unlike his brothers he is very talented at drama! We dont know where this came from (possibly Pierre cause he's a drama queen!) We have two more beautiful boys (Pierre wanted a girl this time!) Argus and Cedric. They are now 1 and are the spitting images of the triplets. Now i have a set of identical triplets and a set of identical twins! What more could i want?We have just bought a 3 story house with 10 bedrooms, its huge! The boys all get their own bedrooms and a big play room. Pierre's business is doing very very well. THe house has a large 25 meter pool, riding stables, river and tennis court!
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Hi everyone? How are you all?Everyone here in sunny Los Angeles is doing very well - we just moved out there for good! It's hard because I'm missing you all so much but we decided it would be better for both Tom's work and for the boys to have a bit more stability in their lives. Thankfully we flew out before I found out I was pregnant. I'm about six weeks away from my due date and we don't know what sex our baby is yet, but Tom really wants a girl. The boys are so excited about their new brother or sister. Dylan especially is really disappointed that it's still me picking them up from school.Ben is doing really well in fifth grade. He's still a really good artist and recently had one of his paintings displayed at a local gallery. He also tried out for the elementary school soccer team too and he's currently their top striker. We haven't got a clue where he gets that from considering neither me nor his dad have any sporting ability. Dylan's doing great too - he just started second grade and he absolutely loves it, especially maths and science. We're so proud of our two wonderful boys!And it turns out I'm not the only mum in our house any more - Poppy had four puppies last month. Our neighbours have a chocolate Labrador so I guess she must have been hanging out with him as the puppies all have very dark brown fur. I don't think Ben will want to give them up when they're old enough though, now that he's old enough for Poppy to officially be 'his dog'.Anyway hope to see you soonMuch loveLaura, Tom, Ben, Dylan and imminent new arrival
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DW: Eilish Muirenn
DH: Rory PeadarDD: Grania Eilish
DD/DS: Rozsa Gyongyi / Rudolf Miklos
DS: Alejo MiguelGrania is doing well in school. She still tends to stick with a small group of friends, but those she has are very loyal. She loves reading and playing the piano more than anything. Although her favourite pursuits are solitary, we make sure Grania doesn't hide herself away - even if she wanted to, Rozsa certainly wouldn't let her!Rozsa and Rudolf are now attending separate nursary school classes. Rory and I felt that it would be better for their social progress not to depend on each other all of the time. When they attend kindergarden next year, we plan on doing the same. They are both doing very well, and each has found their share of mischief making even without their twin by their side! Rosza loves make believe games, and can hardly be pried away from the dress-up stand or the puppet theatre. Rory seems to like to play whatever messy game he can think of the best.Alejo still stays at home with me, but attends a day class once a week. Next year he will be attending nursarys school. Alejo is a very sweet, loving child and gets along with all of his classmates.Now for the big news: We are having another baby! Just when we thought our family was finished, I got pregnant again. We're very excited to see what this baby is: Grania and Rozsa are hoping for a girl and Rudy, Rory, and Alejo are hoping for a boy. I'm kind of torn between - some days I want one while others I want the other. As long as it's healthy, we'll be happy.

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Katharine Eleanor (Katie) is well into the swing of things at school, seeing as she is in Year 3 now.Ryan Barrett has just started kindergarten and loves going to "big school" with his older sister.I am pregnant with our third child...or should I say children! Yes, that's right - the doctor has confirmed with an ultrasound that I am expecting twins. Twins run in Paul's family, so we are not altogether surprised.And to top it all off, my brother Stephen Michael is engaged to his childhood sweetheart Holly and they have asked Katie to be the flowergirl!
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DW: Lisa Marie
DH: Jonathan Oliver
DS/DS: Isaiah Michael "Izzy" / Gabriel Theodore "Gabe" - 9
DS: Oliver Jude "Ollie" - 5
Expecting DD/DS: Estella Juliet "Stella" / Vincent Raphael "Vince"
DDog: SimonIzzy and Gabe are now nine years old and are in the 4th grade. Izzy is excelling in all subjects at this point and has bumped up from being a straight “C“ student to a straight "A" student. He is still involved in soccer and at the moment is at soccer practice. Izzy is a high energy kid and has found the perfect way to convert his energy in to something constructive. We couldn’t be more proud. Gabe, has moved on to martial arts and is excelling in that tremendously. Gabe has always been a very focused kid and with his newly found passion for martial arts, has also discovered the perfect way to channel his attention. He is now a yellow belt and has every intention on achieving his black belt. Gabe is also doing very well in school and spends his free time playing video games. Ollie is now 5 years old and is in kindergarten. His teacher has commented about how extraordinarily smart he is and also his high energy level. He’s having a little bit of trouble paying attention in class. Ollie has joined t-ball this year and he really likes it. He and his team mates run wild at ever game because they havn’t yet grasped the concept of it other than an opportunity to run. It’s hilarious.

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This message was edited 11/23/2004, 11:51 PM

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Dear Friends & Family:
Augustus has finally started @ the Gymnasium (grades 5-13). We are so proud of him for getting in, but not really suprised :). It's the same Gymnasium where Amy teaches Physics. He's a bit nervous because he hasn't really gotten over his anti-social bahaviour, but since Amy will be there it will be easier for him. Mimi, his puppy, still is attachted to his side. Ophelia & Thelonius are still @ the Grundschule. They are doing well. Ophelia is quite the little artist, but her other subjects are only average. But Amy helps her w/ her math 7 Science every night. Thelonius is fascinated by history, especially ancient history. Although his language skills aren't the best, I help him w/ that every night. And guess what, you'll never believe it, we just had twins again, boys this time. Who'd imagine 2 lesbians having this many kids :). Although if we decide to have anymore I'm going to try to make Amy carry them. We named them Jurgen Moses & Barnabas Grant. Like all the other children they were born compltely bald with big brown eyes. Barnabas never cries a bit, but Jurgen can't seem to be away from my side even if it's Amy. Ophelia loves the new babies, but she asked why weren't one of them girls like w/ her & Thelonius. We have more great news, I have finally been published. I've been sending articles to newspapers & magazines in the area. Then all of a sudden one day I got an acceptance letter among all the rejections. I'm so happy. The whole family is going to go out to celebrate.
Elle, Amy, Augustus, Ophelia, Thelonius, Jurgen, Barnabas & Mimi
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Hello again,
Greetings from home. The crew is all saying hello right now. It's time for the update on things here so here I go: Mack (Malcolm Robert Morgan)7, has just entered the second grade. He likes it well enough. If his grades are any indication he must love it. He's made a new friend in Garrick (A boy down the street) and they've become inseperable, but not if Bron can help it.Bron and Gwen (Bronwen Elizabeth Anne/Gwendolen Anna Blythe) 4, have just entered Kindergarten where they're also doing well. Bron has been spending lots of time in the barn with me lately telling me to make Mack pay attention to her. She just gave up on me though and began joining their fun much to the boys' dismay. Gwen has been loving school, and has made lots of new friends. Always kind and generous she'll offer to play with anyone, and stops others from teasing the other children. She's spent a lot of her time doting on her little brother, and fiddling on the piano to the pieces she's learning in school. Lock (Lochlann Gordon Reed)2, has just entered preschool. we again felt it was the best choice for the time, and he seems to be enjoying himself. He also seems to have gotten out of his shell a little and no longer hides behind my legs when meeting someone new. He's also taken to following his big brother around when not in school, and has begun to like soccer. We're also it seems expecting again and in an odd show of luck, I won the coin toss against Marc and we've found out the sexes. I say sexes because we also found out it's to be twins. Were we ever shocked. A second set of twins... They're twin boys this time though. And their due in 3 months. Their names will be Braith Andrew Ian, and Owen Finlay Rhys.

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This message was edited 11/23/2004, 7:55 PM

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