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[Facts] Re: Top 10 U.S. Surnames for Each Letter of the Alphabet
Yes but i bet half the names on there arent trully american! Come on Fernadaz?? Garcia??? Just some examples!
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WHOA, NELLIE! I'm glad I'm first reading this now, after you've all cleared things up. Still p's me off.HOly Wasp Sting, Batman!
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Hey hey, Hid Diva is in good company :)
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Okay people, don't make me open up a can o' whop-ass on anyone...Fact #1: Hispanic surnames in this country (U.S.A.) are no less "American" than surnames which are German, Italian, Irish, Jewish, French or whatever your own particular immigrant ancestor's ethnic origin may have happened to be. And, if anyone smugly tells me that *their* ancestors were tribal Native Americans, well anthropologists claim that the Native Americans' ancestors were immigrants to this continent at one time, too.Fact #2: Persons of Mexican national origin happen to make up the greatest percentage of LEGAL immigants and naturalized AMERICAN CITIZENS in this country. These statistics come straight from the U.S. Dept. of Immigration and Naturalization. Granted there are also illegal aliens in this country (there are an awful lot of Irish illegals in New York City, for instance), but just because someone's surname happens to be Hispanic doesn't mean that person should automatically be viewed as an "illegal".Fact #3: The demographics of this nation have changed in the past 50 years (they change every half-century, what's the big surprise?) -- with Hispanics now comprising the largest ethnic minority in this nation. Therefore, it shouldn't shock TOO many people out of their very Brady fantasy that yes, there *are* naturally going to be a lot of Hispanic-sounding surnames turning up in the U.S. Federal Census.Common Sense Observation #1: When Mr. Census-taker came a knockin' at people's doors ten years ago for the 1990 U.S. Federal Census, you can bet yer heinie that the illegal aliens were the ones LEAST likely to open the door to answer any questions. So, the presence of those Hispanic names which one sees on the 1990 Census are pretty much representative of the ethnic make-up of American CITIZENRY ten years ago.Common Sense Observation #2: Up until 1846, most of the southwestern United States was owned by Mexico. So the U.S. states in that region (Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, etc.) already started out with a lot of residents of Hispanic ancestry. And, over the years, people tend to have babies, y'know. California and Texas today are the two most populous states in the nation.

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Jeez, I make a simple observation about legal immigrant status and we get a whole Civics lesson.I don't disagree with anything you say there, Nan, except the part about the Dead. Okay, maybe I'm not a dyed-in-the-wool Deadhead, but my Phil Lesh t-shirt has had its share of wearin', thankyew. And I miss Jerry, too.- Da.
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Cool. :)
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Whoa NanI was just saying that Wagner isnt any less american then any of those other names! Who ever Jonathon is mentioned that and it did make me a little md that he was saying well isnt that german? Yeah it is german in decent but like you mentioned it doesnt matter where you are from it is now adapted to be american! I didnt mean to critize anyone I was just useing those as examples of more that arent exactly your "normal" american names! I just meant that if those are american so is Wagner!
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Okay, cool. :)
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Here's a lil tidbit I dug up :)When cotton grows on the fig tree
And alfalfa hangs on the rose
When the aliens run the United States
And the Jews grow a straight nose
When the Pope is praised by every one
In the land of Uncle Sam
And a Greek is elected President
THEN-the Ku Klux won't be worth a damn
-- Poem passed out at election polls by the Klan during the 1920
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Ya got *my* vote, Pavlos. :)
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