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[Facts] The Compleat Nanaia/Nanaea
Here is the whole scoop on Nanaia/Nanaea according to my friend George Mantis. (Nan: I thanked him on your behalf)NANAEA or NANAIA
Kushite Creatrix of Life Goddess, representing the ceative powers of nature. She's identified with ANAITIS, the Anatolian/Median/Persian Goddess, a hybrid of APHRODITE & ARTEMIS. Also known as TANAIS to Scythians/Hyperboreans
but also to Phoenicians/Phillisteans/Carthagenians/Syracuseans
She gave her name to the homonymous river that was later renamed as Don - name of the Goddess DO^N - later Goddess of the Kymri/Welsh Celts,
identified with Hellenic EOS.
In Near East, apart from Anahita, she was called ANTHAT and ANTHRATI in Egypt. Also ANTHRETJU by the Hittites and ANTAT by Syrians/Palestinians.NANAJA
Goddess of Love, Sexuality & War to Syrians/Palestinians.NANAI
Goddess of Stars & Planets in Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Armenia, Babylonia. "Mistress of Heavens". Identified with ANAHITA or Armenian ANAHID. Later assimilated into ISHTAR or ASTARTE.
Also known as NANA("Queen").NANNA
Moon Goddess in Mesopotamia.NANE
Goddess of the Evening Star in Armenia. Mistress of Sky. Also a War Goddess. Protectress & Avengeress of Witches. Identified with Hellenic EOS.NANA-ENNA
Mother Goddess & Guardian of Ghana. Protectress of Women, especially those, whose men are fighting away from home. Her husband is BEHNYA, War God.NANA-BULUKU
Primordial Creatrix Goddess in Dahomey. Protectress of Family & Tribes.NANA-BURUKU or NANAN
Earth/Nature/Water Goddess for Yoruba People. She's the Most Ancient Goddess of them all, Mother of the Creatrix Goddess.NANA-JAKPA
Goddess of Fate, Omens & Prophecy in Dahomey. Mother of All Witches.NANA
Hellenic Goddess, Mother of ATYS. From the severed male genitals of Hermaphrodite AGDISTIS grew an almond tree. NANA, the Daughter of River-God SANGARIUS, inserted an almond in her vagina and she became pregnant, giving birth to ATYS, the extremely beautiful boy. Goddess CYBELE fell in love with him. His fate was the same with AGDISTIS before him. He cut off his own genitals & died, during his wedding ceremony with beautiful princess IA of Sicily, when CYBELE appeared in all her glory, claiming him. IA also comitted suicide with ATYS's sword. CYBELE changed ATYS into a fir tree and she embraced him, thus becoming one with its branches. She was also turned gradually into a tree(two trees hugging each other).
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Wow -- all that just for me? :) And to think, my mom was inspired by the name simply from a single passage in the 2nd Book of the Maccabees.Many, many thanks, to both you and George, Pavlos! I'm printing this up and bringing it with me when I'll be seeing my mom for Thanksgiving. She's going to enjoy this. :)-- Nanaea
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You're welcome. Excuse me while I have another Almond Joy :P
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