[Opinions] Twin sisters I met as a child.
Nadja & Katja!!!
I only suspect these spellings, since I was 8 at the time, and wasn't a name nerd before two years after. Or so.
Gagging just by the thought of how similar they are. And more of how cutesy twinny they are.
- Charlie (Who might be a very distant relative to them, since she met them under a holiday spend at her grandmothers. But can't know for sure.)
I only suspect these spellings, since I was 8 at the time, and wasn't a name nerd before two years after. Or so.
Gagging just by the thought of how similar they are. And more of how cutesy twinny they are.
- Charlie (Who might be a very distant relative to them, since she met them under a holiday spend at her grandmothers. But can't know for sure.)
to similar
I don't care for then, but for twins, they are horrible! Like I've said oh-so many times: naming twins are not a game!