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[Facts] what does my name mean?
My name is Keely and i want to know what it means! It is a girl's name and it is Irish! (key-lee)
Please help me! Keely!
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Silver's sacred name book has all the answers...Keely is not irish, but gaelic, which is very close to celtic, where irish derieved from. It means "beautiful one"
Hope that helped ^_~ ~Silver of Ryuchia
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what does my name mean
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Hi Silver,
Can't seem to find any documentation saying that Keely is anything but a variant of Kayley. Which name book are you using?
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....Baby Names by: Douglas C. Pollard (c) 1982
Girls Half - Section K
pg. 36, 11th name down the page"KEELY (Gaelic) "beautiful one"i was just trying to help, with the materials I have and what I know,
I suppose this is what Nan was bad mouthing me about...
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No. Guess again.
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Maybe Mike C. can add that one??? (I feel too new to be asking that :S )
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I know a Kathryn that goes by Keely (spelt and pronounced in exactly the same way). She is Irish too. Could it be that?
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A variant of KAYLEY possibly ?!-Agata
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i just want to no what my name means i dont really hear it alot and ive always wonderd sooo maby u can tell me?! i hope so remember my name is KAYLEY!
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