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[Facts] oh brillant ones of behind the name!!! your assitance in this matter will be GREATLY appreciated! :)
alrighty, i think... or i should say i hope i have another book
but i need some technicalites to work out, and one is the names
they are essential in this particular work
Is there a male form of the name Mary? or what is the cloeset thing?
it needs to be hewbrew like mary, perhaps if it only means the same thing it would suit
but a name that looks similar would be great to!also kind of a curiousity side not, when writing out pronounciations, how write the e sound in words like 'edge' so that ppl understand?
The books name is.. well not determined, something about Christmas though. That main girls name.
maybe like 'Christmas's diary' i really dont know :S
thank you for any help.
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Thanks to all, with special thanks to Agata, I will use Marian, it is the masculine form of mary, and special thanks to Nanaea for makign rethink the title of the book, it will be "Eve of Zion" :)
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You're welcome! "Eve of Zion" = "Evie Fonzo" :)
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By the way, in Germany (where names have to be unambigious concerning the sex of the bearer!), a boy can be given the name Maria (=German Mary) as a second name.
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Marius, Mario...
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isnt Mario italien? its gotta be hebrew, but ty neways
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marian = masculine form of mary
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really? it sounds so chickish... ty Agata for the help :) n/y^_^
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Don't forget John Wayne's real first name was "Marion" - nothing "chickish" there
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Who cares?
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No, just freakin' weird, is all. About J.W.'s parents...His mother's name was "Mary" -- maybe that's what influenced the choice of "Marion".His father's name was "Robert" -- and that's the middle name which they gave to the kid who later became John Wayne."Marion Robert Morrison" was John Wayne's original name. EXCEPT...His parents then had another baby boy, which they decided to name after Daddy this time.So, they then felt a need to change Marion Robert Morrison's name to "Marion Michael Morrison", so as not to overuse the name of "Robert".So the second-born son gets named after Daddy, while the first-born son is stripped of Daddy's first name as his middle name and continues to wear a version of Mommy's name for his first name instead. Kinda like a drag-name.Is this a recipe for a screwed-up kid or WHAT?-- Nanaea
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Yeah, but then the collection of recipes for screwed-up kids runs to about twenty volumes...
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Click MarianMARIAN (f,m) This name has several alternate sources: a variant of MARION (feminine), a combination of MARY and ANNE (feminine), a Polish form of MARIANUS (masculine), or a masculine form of MARY.
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it has to be hewbrew! no polish, lmao!
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btw, it's not pronounced like Marianne, put simply like Mar-yan (if that makes sense?)
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Anagram: "Christmas Diary" = "Damaris Christy"
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2 more: "Charissa Dmitry" & "Mystica Rishard"
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1) Marion 2) "eh":)
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