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[Opinions] Claudia and Claire
WDYT? what comes to mind first?
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Very elegant and stylish. Lovely names to grow into.
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I like them both but i prefer the german pronounciation of Claudia (cl-OW-dia)
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For some reason a crab and a cameleon comes to mind first when I hear Claudia! And a small thin person comes to mind when I hear the name Claire!
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Claudia: the little girl for Interview with the Vampire (one of my favourite films) - a cool association IMHO.Claire: it's in my top ten. I also like Clare and Clara. Claire Juliet is a nice combo, but Claire Josephine also works well.
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I absolutely LOVE both names and we're seriously considering Claire for any potential daughters, however for some reason we've never considered Claudia but I couldn't tell you (but maybe thats just because I'm too tired to think at the moment).
My favourite combos are Claudia Rose (which is not a filler for me) and Claire Heloise or Lily Claire.
Edit: Daughters - okay yeah I'll have a couple of Claires (LOL)

This message was edited 1/2/2005, 1:10 AM

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Claire Heloise is beautiful!!!So nice that I might steal it :-)
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I like both, a lot - especially Claudia.
They both sound to me smart, attractive and adult.First associations
Claudia: softspoken, dark-haired.
Claire: sharp-witted, bright-eyed. = chazda
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Claudia is OK, but I like Claire. I don't like stereo-typing names.
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