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[Facts] Meaning of my name?
My name is Mebratu and I am male.
I want to know the meaning of my name.
If you need extra information, I am from
the AMHARA tribe in Ethiopia.
I am eagerly waiting your reply.
Thank you.
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Hi Mebratu,I'm afraid the Internet is very weak on sources/meanings of Amharic names. Might I suggest you ask this question by e-mail of someone else bearing your name? Try one (or better, all) of these people, who should not be offended at all by your question:Solomon Mebratu Solomonm@csd.uwm.eduDesta Mebratu mebratud@un.orgMadeo Mebratu try:Ethiopean Embassy to the US ethiopia@ethiopianembassy.orgGood luck, and if you get your answer, please post on this message board again to tell us what you've found out.Regards,Daividh
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