[Games] Tender Hearts Adoption Center! Updates
Please tell us how your children are adjusting, what they look like, their new friends, favorite food etc. We're all interested!
Cecile Victoire ( 14 months)- Cecile ( or Cici) is a beautiful baby, with curly brown locks and stunning green eyes. She is an incredibly sweet child and loves to be held and give kisses. Cici's few words are French but she now understands English and responds to it. She is constantly happy, a true optimist, and rarely cries. She has the most adorable giggle which is often heard when she is in the company of her older sisters.
Fiona Ainslin ( 28 months)- Fiona has copper colored locks that fall to her shoulders and deep brown eyes. She is quiet and pensive, and dislikes a lot of commotion. At home, Fiona is dedicated to helping me around the house, and wants to be a "mommy" or a "pink bunny" when she grows up. She has quite the imagination.
Aleksei Nikolai ( 3)- Aleksi has cropped blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He is an active child, devoted to his father, and in love with anything that concerns transportation ( ie cars, planes, boats, etc). Despite the langauage barrier he has several friends in pre-school who he chases around the playground. His English is improving quickly as he is very bright and is interested in learning.
Eiran Branwen ( 7)- Eiran is an actress. Constantly the drama queen and girly-girl, she loves having her long blonde locks styled. She has hazel eyes and freckles across her nose, and is petite for her age. Eiran loves to talk and makes friends easily. She is doing well in school, despite having to be reminded that she needs to not talk when others are. Eiran adores her siblings and plays with them often whether that means playing dolls or trucks.
Everyone is healthy and adjusting well.
Thank you from the Richardsons,
Jake and Fallon, Eiran, Aleksei, Fiona, and Cici
Estela Vitoria Age 4
Stela is adjusting marvellously. She quickly caught on to Spanish because of its similarity to her native Portuguese, and we are teaching her English. She's learning very rapidly! She attends a preschool in a nearby city with a high Latino population, so she is making lots of Spanish/English speaking friends! She loves to eat carrots and was so excited to see her first snow! She will sit and watch the snow fall for hours. She adores our pet cat. "Cat" was her first word in English! (Right after "water" and "potty", but she understood those from our time at the adoption agency.) She loves her brothers and sister very much!
Carlos Emilio wheelchair bound Age 3
Carlos is also catching on to English quickly. He loves his new wheelchair, and zooms around the basketball court at the nearby park. He's made a new friend! Katie Harrison is 3 1/2 and has spina bifida. She lives not too far from us and is wheelchair bound also. Mrs. Harrison works with wheelchair bound patients as a therapist, and she's taught them several games they can play together. Carlos is at the Harrison's as much as he is home! Katie helps him learn English, and he teaches her Spanish (all in a very indirect, three-year-old manner). He is very mature for his age, and will be four in a few weeks!
Ancelto Jao Age 2
AJ is a hyperactive "terrible two". He climbs into everything. His favorite word is "no" and his second favorite word is "yo!" (we're trying to teach him to say "me"). He can speak short sentences and can say his name, age, and the names of all those in his family. He goes with Stela to preschool and plays in the nursery with some other Latino two-year-olds, so he has made a couple of friends.
Stela is adjusting marvellously. She quickly caught on to Spanish because of its similarity to her native Portuguese, and we are teaching her English. She's learning very rapidly! She attends a preschool in a nearby city with a high Latino population, so she is making lots of Spanish/English speaking friends! She loves to eat carrots and was so excited to see her first snow! She will sit and watch the snow fall for hours. She adores our pet cat. "Cat" was her first word in English! (Right after "water" and "potty", but she understood those from our time at the adoption agency.) She loves her brothers and sister very much!
Carlos Emilio wheelchair bound Age 3
Carlos is also catching on to English quickly. He loves his new wheelchair, and zooms around the basketball court at the nearby park. He's made a new friend! Katie Harrison is 3 1/2 and has spina bifida. She lives not too far from us and is wheelchair bound also. Mrs. Harrison works with wheelchair bound patients as a therapist, and she's taught them several games they can play together. Carlos is at the Harrison's as much as he is home! Katie helps him learn English, and he teaches her Spanish (all in a very indirect, three-year-old manner). He is very mature for his age, and will be four in a few weeks!
Ancelto Jao Age 2
AJ is a hyperactive "terrible two". He climbs into everything. His favorite word is "no" and his second favorite word is "yo!" (we're trying to teach him to say "me"). He can speak short sentences and can say his name, age, and the names of all those in his family. He goes with Stela to preschool and plays in the nursery with some other Latino two-year-olds, so he has made a couple of friends.
Christina Marie (6) Chrissy-Marie is adjusting well! She prefers that she be called Marie but the younger children insist on calling her Chrissy. She has beatiful brown hair that she always wants to try new hair do's with! She likes helping take care of her new brothers and sister! She has the biggest blue eyes out of them all.
Alex James (5) James loves having a family! He enjoys having someone to play with! He has blonde hair and big blueish-green eyes.
Eric Patrick (4) Eric or Ric, what he is called at home loves having an older brother to look up to. He has blonde hair as well with the same eyes.
Arielle Nicolette (9 months) Nicolette is what she is called! She has blonde hair and yes the same eyes as the boys.
♥ Chrissy-Marie, James, Ric and Nicolette ♥
Elizabeth :D
Alex James (5) James loves having a family! He enjoys having someone to play with! He has blonde hair and big blueish-green eyes.
Eric Patrick (4) Eric or Ric, what he is called at home loves having an older brother to look up to. He has blonde hair as well with the same eyes.
Arielle Nicolette (9 months) Nicolette is what she is called! She has blonde hair and yes the same eyes as the boys.
Elizabeth :D
Mario Alessandro - 5
Ginevra Elisabetta "Ginny" - 3 (Mario's sister both are from Italy)
Lileas Ealasaid "Lily" - 2 from Scotland
Patrick - 6 mos. from Ireland.
Mario Alessandro is 5-years-old and is from Italy. he's doing well and has the cutes Italian accent. He has thick, dark-brown, curly hair and big, dark-brown eyes. Also, Mario has olive skin and the cutest little dimples. He has become quite the little artist. Mario spends alot of time finger painting and drawing. Also he's picking up on his English skills. I like to encourage him using his native language and work with him regularly on developing his Italian skills.
Ginevra Elisabetta is 3 years old and is from Italy. Ginny is Mario's little sister and his adjusted quite well with the help of Mario. Like her brother, she also has thick, dark, curly hair and big, dark-brown eyes. She has a lighter skin tone and is a real sweetheart. She is sort of like a tom-boy and loves to play outside especially when it rains. Ginny has made great friends with Lily and also loves to help out with little Patrick.
Lileas Ealasaid is 2 years old and is from Scotland. Lily has long, reddish, blonde hair, deep green eyes and freckles. She enjoys playing with her dolls and her favorite is a little wrag-doll my mother made her. Lily named her Effie and spends all the time in the world with her.
Ginevra Elisabetta "Ginny" - 3 (Mario's sister both are from Italy)
Lileas Ealasaid "Lily" - 2 from Scotland
Patrick - 6 mos. from Ireland.
Mario Alessandro is 5-years-old and is from Italy. he's doing well and has the cutes Italian accent. He has thick, dark-brown, curly hair and big, dark-brown eyes. Also, Mario has olive skin and the cutest little dimples. He has become quite the little artist. Mario spends alot of time finger painting and drawing. Also he's picking up on his English skills. I like to encourage him using his native language and work with him regularly on developing his Italian skills.
Ginevra Elisabetta is 3 years old and is from Italy. Ginny is Mario's little sister and his adjusted quite well with the help of Mario. Like her brother, she also has thick, dark, curly hair and big, dark-brown eyes. She has a lighter skin tone and is a real sweetheart. She is sort of like a tom-boy and loves to play outside especially when it rains. Ginny has made great friends with Lily and also loves to help out with little Patrick.
Lileas Ealasaid is 2 years old and is from Scotland. Lily has long, reddish, blonde hair, deep green eyes and freckles. She enjoys playing with her dolls and her favorite is a little wrag-doll my mother made her. Lily named her Effie and spends all the time in the world with her.
Emily and Kiran
Larissa'Natalya', 5
Sunan Klahan, 3 'Sam'
Tien Chau, 1 'Mimi' (no idea where Mimi came from...Natalya just started calling her that).
Kir and I are so happy to have our children home. We have waited a long while for these blessings to come into our lives. Both of us debated over the issue of whether to change the children's names or not. In the end we decided to keep their given names, and just use American nicknames. We changed Nayalya's name a bit, though. Larissa Natalya is now Natalya Estella, because I have bad associations with the name Larissa, but LOVE Natalya. Besides, Nat has been called Natalya her whole life, so we keep it.
The children are doing very well together. Natalya is already very protective of Sam and Mimi, as we like to call them. Already Natalya and I have bonded over--what else--shopping. She seems to be adapting very well. Natalya has almost translucent skin and fine white blonde curls. Sam is a little joy. He is very quiet, not rambunctious or rowdy, and very affectionate. Sam has milky skin and (almost black) brown hair that is very thick and straight. Mimi is just starting to walk. She has little fluffs of straight, silky black hair and dark brown almond eyes.
We are so happy to be one big family!
Larissa'Natalya', 5
Sunan Klahan, 3 'Sam'
Tien Chau, 1 'Mimi' (no idea where Mimi came from...Natalya just started calling her that).
Kir and I are so happy to have our children home. We have waited a long while for these blessings to come into our lives. Both of us debated over the issue of whether to change the children's names or not. In the end we decided to keep their given names, and just use American nicknames. We changed Nayalya's name a bit, though. Larissa Natalya is now Natalya Estella, because I have bad associations with the name Larissa, but LOVE Natalya. Besides, Nat has been called Natalya her whole life, so we keep it.
The children are doing very well together. Natalya is already very protective of Sam and Mimi, as we like to call them. Already Natalya and I have bonded over--what else--shopping. She seems to be adapting very well. Natalya has almost translucent skin and fine white blonde curls. Sam is a little joy. He is very quiet, not rambunctious or rowdy, and very affectionate. Sam has milky skin and (almost black) brown hair that is very thick and straight. Mimi is just starting to walk. She has little fluffs of straight, silky black hair and dark brown almond eyes.
We are so happy to be one big family!
Hyun Jung from Korea is doing great! She's 13, and is delighted to have another Korean sibling. People often mistake them for birth siblings! She is having trouble in school, she speaks english well, but isn't quite up to par in reading and writing. She's shy so far, and hasn't made any friends, but I signed her up for Taekwon do classes, which she was taking in Korea as well, and hope she will make some friends through there.
Fredrik Joachim from Denmark is having some trouble adjusting. He has gotten into several fights at school, and is set on finding a new family. In a couple months however, we think he will be fine. He's excelling in his fourth grade class, and they are probably going to move him to the 5th grade.
Annemarie Ingrid is Fredrik's sister. She is in first grade and loving it! A little social butterfly, she's already talking about have her friends over for a party. She's adorable, and she and her brother both have bright blonde hair.
Jin-Ho is our youngest, also from Korea is a bright little 2 year old. He's adjusting well, though still talking primarily in Korean, we're lucky to have Hyun Jung to help translate his words. He loves watching Dora the Explorer and Seseme Street everyday! He also requests pizza for every meal.
We're blessed to have such a happy family!
Fredrik Joachim from Denmark is having some trouble adjusting. He has gotten into several fights at school, and is set on finding a new family. In a couple months however, we think he will be fine. He's excelling in his fourth grade class, and they are probably going to move him to the 5th grade.
Annemarie Ingrid is Fredrik's sister. She is in first grade and loving it! A little social butterfly, she's already talking about have her friends over for a party. She's adorable, and she and her brother both have bright blonde hair.
Jin-Ho is our youngest, also from Korea is a bright little 2 year old. He's adjusting well, though still talking primarily in Korean, we're lucky to have Hyun Jung to help translate his words. He loves watching Dora the Explorer and Seseme Street everyday! He also requests pizza for every meal.
We're blessed to have such a happy family!
Thanks for Updating!
Child 1
-Age: 2
-Anneliese Eleonore
Anneliese has curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She has been having a hard time adjusting, but her sister, Brigitta is a big help. She is a huge fan of Brautwurst and Sourkraut.
Child 2
-Age: 3
-Brigitta Sofie
Brigitta looks like Gretl from the Sound of Music. Her best friend right now is her younger sister. She loves Apple strudel. Brigitta tries to act like a "good" big sister and tries to protect Anneliese.

Child 3
-Stefan Edmund
Stefan has short brown hair and green eyes. He is going to Kindergarten tommorrow. I am concerned about a language gap. He shows no interest in speaking English.
Child 4
-Franz Wilhelm
Fanz is is 1st grade. He has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Franz is learning English quickly and has made friends with our next door neighbor, Shiloh.
All of them have communication problems because none of them know much English and I only know enough Deustch (German) to pass German 1A.
Franz and Stefan share a room and Anneliese and Brigitta share one. I am trying to help them keep their German heritage.
-Age: 2
-Anneliese Eleonore
Anneliese has curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She has been having a hard time adjusting, but her sister, Brigitta is a big help. She is a huge fan of Brautwurst and Sourkraut.
Child 2
-Age: 3
-Brigitta Sofie
Brigitta looks like Gretl from the Sound of Music. Her best friend right now is her younger sister. She loves Apple strudel. Brigitta tries to act like a "good" big sister and tries to protect Anneliese.

Child 3
-Stefan Edmund
Stefan has short brown hair and green eyes. He is going to Kindergarten tommorrow. I am concerned about a language gap. He shows no interest in speaking English.
Child 4
-Franz Wilhelm
Fanz is is 1st grade. He has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Franz is learning English quickly and has made friends with our next door neighbor, Shiloh.
All of them have communication problems because none of them know much English and I only know enough Deustch (German) to pass German 1A.
Franz and Stefan share a room and Anneliese and Brigitta share one. I am trying to help them keep their German heritage.
This message was edited 1/2/2005, 11:09 AM
Thanks for updating! The Picture of Gretl is adorable!