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[Facts] Re: the cost of education...
South Africa abounds with Afrikaaners who are decendants of Dutch or German settlers (I'm not sure which, but I believe they were originally Dutch).Concerning the cost of books, a friend of mine paid @$159.00 (plus tax) for his Anatomy & Physiology textbook and I paid $20.00 (plus tax) for a Japanese calligraphy set that I needed for my language class (I could've paid $35.00 [plus tax] for the language tapes to go along with everything else, but I figured eating was a tad more important than language tapes.). By the way, 5.6% sales tax for everything but food and some medicines here in Milwaukee.Phyllis(aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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South Africa abounds with Afrikaaners who are decendants of mainly German settlers... but in order for them to all speak one language.. they used the one book available..
This was a Dutch bible.. and now they still speak a simple kind of Dutch that is easy to be understood by Dutch people like me :)
History is a funny thing!
Best regards, Robert
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