[Facts] Please tell me ppl dont name their children Reverend... (more)
Two names I can across, that are dealing which religious leaders of sorts
Druid - a 'priest' of sorts of a celtish religion dealing with magic (yes i know someone who just named there little both this, as they said, they can just call him Dru for short!)
Paladin/Palladin - I am pretty sure this is similar to a Druid, and i know sevral girls by this name now.
#1) can anyone tell me what a paladin really is?
#2) if ur on the paladin whats a psonic? (thanks to w/e that i don't know neone named by that name)
#3) can you think of nemore along those lines?
Thanks :)
Ps. in my novel The SterlingDragon, my "grandson", and reining King Archer marries a women named Paladin, and has a daughter named Harmonie.
Druid - a 'priest' of sorts of a celtish religion dealing with magic (yes i know someone who just named there little both this, as they said, they can just call him Dru for short!)
Paladin/Palladin - I am pretty sure this is similar to a Druid, and i know sevral girls by this name now.
#1) can anyone tell me what a paladin really is?
#2) if ur on the paladin whats a psonic? (thanks to w/e that i don't know neone named by that name)
#3) can you think of nemore along those lines?
Thanks :)
Ps. in my novel The SterlingDragon, my "grandson", and reining King Archer marries a women named Paladin, and has a daughter named Harmonie.
oh no....
In the short lived pop group -B2KRAZY, made of a 24 yr old female singer, Genevieve, two 14 yr old Boys, Brett and Zael, who never actually did anything throughout the CD, and the African 25 year old Rapper.
His name - Revren.
To close to Revernd for me, could it be similar.
By the way I continued looking in a Paladin and Psonic.
Paladin is described as a person who can call upon the wrath of their god to unleash power. They are also given minor spells by their god to use at will. I couldn't ever find any mention as to what religion this is based.
A Psonic appearently is the name of person with telekinesis, ie telekinetic capabilites, for those that dont know, that means they can move things with their mind.
Another word that came up often when searching for these was a Mage. A general term given to those with a calling for Magic.
I thought, Mage could be a name, and i remembered in my books The SilverDragon, and the PowerDragon, there is a family whos last name is Mage.
Neveon, and Tavia, parents, father and mother respectivly, their eldest son, Jasrrik, and twins Jenesis, & Vegren, girl and boy respectivly. And Last name Mage.
Druid, Mage, Psonic, and Paladin were often found with Priest as well, and appear to have some interrelation of positions, and reverence, but none through the actual religion.
Anyways, I would love anymore information.
Thanks :) ^_^
Ps. for fun for those who dont know, besides Telekinesis (from tele like as in television, and telephone, and kinetics)
Empathic - the ability to sence/read emotions through thought
Telepathic - the ability to read thoughts, and send thoughts through thought
Psychic - the ability to read the future,sometimes to read thoughts, and often talk to spirits,
Necromancer - involved with the dead, they can often speak to spirits, or let their spirit enter the realm of the dead and interact with the dead, and sometimes can ever resurrect the dead
If anyone is bored, please feel free to add to this list as well :)
In the short lived pop group -B2KRAZY, made of a 24 yr old female singer, Genevieve, two 14 yr old Boys, Brett and Zael, who never actually did anything throughout the CD, and the African 25 year old Rapper.
His name - Revren.
To close to Revernd for me, could it be similar.
By the way I continued looking in a Paladin and Psonic.
Paladin is described as a person who can call upon the wrath of their god to unleash power. They are also given minor spells by their god to use at will. I couldn't ever find any mention as to what religion this is based.
A Psonic appearently is the name of person with telekinesis, ie telekinetic capabilites, for those that dont know, that means they can move things with their mind.
Another word that came up often when searching for these was a Mage. A general term given to those with a calling for Magic.
I thought, Mage could be a name, and i remembered in my books The SilverDragon, and the PowerDragon, there is a family whos last name is Mage.
Neveon, and Tavia, parents, father and mother respectivly, their eldest son, Jasrrik, and twins Jenesis, & Vegren, girl and boy respectivly. And Last name Mage.
Druid, Mage, Psonic, and Paladin were often found with Priest as well, and appear to have some interrelation of positions, and reverence, but none through the actual religion.
Anyways, I would love anymore information.
Thanks :) ^_^
Ps. for fun for those who dont know, besides Telekinesis (from tele like as in television, and telephone, and kinetics)
Empathic - the ability to sence/read emotions through thought
Telepathic - the ability to read thoughts, and send thoughts through thought
Psychic - the ability to read the future,sometimes to read thoughts, and often talk to spirits,
Necromancer - involved with the dead, they can often speak to spirits, or let their spirit enter the realm of the dead and interact with the dead, and sometimes can ever resurrect the dead
If anyone is bored, please feel free to add to this list as well :)
Has somebody been playing Dungeons and Dragons?
um, no, never played it, or know anything about it, i did see the movie tho... why?
Cleric, Druid, Palladin, Magician...
i didnt have nething about magicians or clerics, i dont even know what clerics are, or what ur getting at? -cries in frustration-
Relax, silly. I'm not getting at anything! Those are some of the titles of characters in Dungeons and Dragons - Magician (Mage), Cleric (Priest), Druid and Paladin. That's all.
I like Dragons :) not so keen on Dungeons tho :)
Have Inappropriate Name - Will Travel....
Wire Trailerpark Mom, San Francisco
Hiyo Silver,
I don't doubt that you've encountered girl children named Paladin. We live in a society where people think they can name girls anything, whether it's Bruno, Smegma, Kumquat, Crotchrotte, or 2,000 Flushes. Those people for the most part should Burn in Hell (altho Hel IS a female Norse divinity name; so that one's okay).
As for Paladin, as a name it's most commonly associated with a certain Man in Black (no, not Johnny), undeniably one of the coolest dudes on late 50s TV. Check out www.hgwt.com and then tell me you want to inform this guy he's got a Girlz Name...
- Daividh
Wire Trailerpark Mom, San Francisco
Hiyo Silver,
I don't doubt that you've encountered girl children named Paladin. We live in a society where people think they can name girls anything, whether it's Bruno, Smegma, Kumquat, Crotchrotte, or 2,000 Flushes. Those people for the most part should Burn in Hell (altho Hel IS a female Norse divinity name; so that one's okay).
As for Paladin, as a name it's most commonly associated with a certain Man in Black (no, not Johnny), undeniably one of the coolest dudes on late 50s TV. Check out www.hgwt.com and then tell me you want to inform this guy he's got a Girlz Name...
- Daividh
On Paladin and Psonic
A Paladin is a "member of of the chivalrous community" (soundz kinda PC hehe), a strong supporter or defender of a cause, and/or one of the peers of Charlemagne's court.
Lets look at the history of the word:
Paladin is derived from the Latin *palatium*, a hill which housed the Caesars'palace (Rome, not Vegas). The word "palace" is thus derived.
"Palatium" in turn is derived from te Greek "pallantion" which is derived from *Pallas*. "Pallas" was a nickname of the Goddess Athena, which also meant "maiden priestess". *Pallas* itself is thought to be either derived from the verb *pallo* (to palpitate/vibrate -- something Athena apparently enjoyed doing with her spear, mush to the delight of her masochistic companions) or from the word *pallax* (meaning "virgin, maiden").
"Psonic" was probably coined by some hippie (out of his/her mind on dope and speed) by combining "psychedelic" and "sonic". Unless it is related to the Greek word "opsonein" (meaning "to buy provisions") from which the word "monopsony" also originated. Consider yourself a "psonic" if you spend the better part of your day at Bloomingdale's.
No mammals or amphibians were permanently impaired during the above derivations.
A Paladin is a "member of of the chivalrous community" (soundz kinda PC hehe), a strong supporter or defender of a cause, and/or one of the peers of Charlemagne's court.
Lets look at the history of the word:
Paladin is derived from the Latin *palatium*, a hill which housed the Caesars'palace (Rome, not Vegas). The word "palace" is thus derived.
"Palatium" in turn is derived from te Greek "pallantion" which is derived from *Pallas*. "Pallas" was a nickname of the Goddess Athena, which also meant "maiden priestess". *Pallas* itself is thought to be either derived from the verb *pallo* (to palpitate/vibrate -- something Athena apparently enjoyed doing with her spear, mush to the delight of her masochistic companions) or from the word *pallax* (meaning "virgin, maiden").
"Psonic" was probably coined by some hippie (out of his/her mind on dope and speed) by combining "psychedelic" and "sonic". Unless it is related to the Greek word "opsonein" (meaning "to buy provisions") from which the word "monopsony" also originated. Consider yourself a "psonic" if you spend the better part of your day at Bloomingdale's.
No mammals or amphibians were permanently impaired during the above derivations.
Paladin is an archaic term, (taken from the Italian palatinus, meaning "Belonging to the palace") and is used to describe a Knight Errant, or the Champion of any Sovereign. Depending on the legend you choose, Paladin (a male) was also the name of Merlin The Wise's most favoured Assistant/servant. As for the rest, I shudder to think!
Hope this helps.
ps - The Druid is more connected with Paganism that with Celtic religion, at least that's what I've gathered.
Hope this helps.
ps - The Druid is more connected with Paganism that with Celtic religion, at least that's what I've gathered.
*doh* of course, that's LATIN Palatinus, and ITALIAN Paladino! oops!
Typos - *two names i CAME across, *little BOY *servEral, its too late... :S
neeeeeed sleeeeeeep
neeeeeed sleeeeeeep