[Opinions] Birth Announcements (Part Two) - What do you think?
Here are some local birth announcements (Part Two). What do you think of these names?
Hayleigh Jade
Nivea Alisette
Anna Mariela
Alexis Mackenzie
Ariana Angeli Rosa
Emily Lauren
Alisya Marie Ann
Cara Marie
Jordan Christine
Helena Grace
Rhea Amit
Layla Elizabeth
Mikayla Rose
Dnyabti Te'Ari
Jessica Lyn
Jamie Lynn
Chase Michael
Brandon Davids Son Silver
Travis John
Joshua Nicholas
Jordan Thomas
Kristian Donato
Aidan Vincent
Parent names that caught my eye:
I like:
Jade (I only like this name as a middle name)
Ariana (I prefer the spelling Arianna)
Marie Ann (I prefer the spelling Anne; I only like Marie as a middle name)
Jordan Christine (I prefer the spelling Jordanne or Jordanna for a girl)
Helena Grace
Jessica Lyn (I prefer the spelling Lynn)
Travis John
Joshua Nicholas
Jordan Thomas (I prefer the spelling Jordon for a boy)
Hayleigh Jade
Nivea Alisette
Anna Mariela
Alexis Mackenzie
Ariana Angeli Rosa
Emily Lauren
Alisya Marie Ann
Cara Marie
Jordan Christine
Helena Grace
Rhea Amit
Layla Elizabeth
Mikayla Rose
Dnyabti Te'Ari
Jessica Lyn
Jamie Lynn
Chase Michael
Brandon Davids Son Silver
Travis John
Joshua Nicholas
Jordan Thomas
Kristian Donato
Aidan Vincent
Parent names that caught my eye:
I like:
Jade (I only like this name as a middle name)
Ariana (I prefer the spelling Arianna)
Marie Ann (I prefer the spelling Anne; I only like Marie as a middle name)
Jordan Christine (I prefer the spelling Jordanne or Jordanna for a girl)
Helena Grace
Jessica Lyn (I prefer the spelling Lynn)
Travis John
Joshua Nicholas
Jordan Thomas (I prefer the spelling Jordon for a boy)
Hailey Jade (sp?) is Eminem's young daughter's name. She's very beloved to him, as he makes it well-known when he gives award speeches.
And... Fluffy? Fluffy?! X_x
I like:
Anna Mariela - Prefer Mariella
Emily Lauren - Like both names, but not together. This combo's to full of Ls too close together for me
Cara Marie
Helena Grace
Rhea Amit
Layla Elizabeth - See Emily Lauren
Mikayla Rose - Prefer Michaela as I'm sure neither parent is Ukrainian
Jessica Lyn - Prefer Lynne or Lynna for a girl
Chase Michael - Prefer Michael Chase, as Chase Michael sounds like "Go chase Michael!" to me
Travis John
Joshua Nicholas - Flow's not the greatest, but it's OK
Jordan Thomas - Ditto
Kristian Donato
Aidan Vincent
And... Fluffy? Fluffy?! X_x
I like:
Anna Mariela - Prefer Mariella
Emily Lauren - Like both names, but not together. This combo's to full of Ls too close together for me
Cara Marie
Helena Grace
Rhea Amit
Layla Elizabeth - See Emily Lauren
Mikayla Rose - Prefer Michaela as I'm sure neither parent is Ukrainian
Jessica Lyn - Prefer Lynne or Lynna for a girl
Chase Michael - Prefer Michael Chase, as Chase Michael sounds like "Go chase Michael!" to me
Travis John
Joshua Nicholas - Flow's not the greatest, but it's OK
Jordan Thomas - Ditto
Kristian Donato
Aidan Vincent
Oh dear, the torment this child is likely to get is unbearable. Couldnt she have had this as a nn?
Oh dear, the torment this child is likely to get is unbearable. Couldnt she have had this as a nn?
Hayleigh Jade --cute, but the spelling is too much
Nivea Alisette --I agree with a previous poster..this is skin cream
Anna Mariela --nice combo
Ariana Angeli Rosa --fun to say:)
Emily Lauren --very pretty, would never really use emily though
Fluffy --of course...what?
Alisya Marie Ann --this is hard to say, I like Alyssa, but their spelling confuses the name. I had to try too hard to interpret it
Cara Marie --like this
Jordan Christine --Love this
Dnyabti Te'Ari --No clue how to even say this. I'd like to buy a vowel or just steal one from the middle name
Chase Michael --love
Aidan Vincent --I like this nice combo
Jordan Thomas I like this too
Brandon Davids Son Silver --What? It sounds like a race horse.
Kristian Donato --interesting, don't like the spelling of Christian though. This sounds like an eccentric artist.
Nivea Alisette --I agree with a previous poster..this is skin cream
Anna Mariela --nice combo
Ariana Angeli Rosa --fun to say:)
Emily Lauren --very pretty, would never really use emily though
Fluffy --of course...what?
Alisya Marie Ann --this is hard to say, I like Alyssa, but their spelling confuses the name. I had to try too hard to interpret it
Cara Marie --like this
Jordan Christine --Love this
Dnyabti Te'Ari --No clue how to even say this. I'd like to buy a vowel or just steal one from the middle name
Chase Michael --love
Aidan Vincent --I like this nice combo
Jordan Thomas I like this too
Brandon Davids Son Silver --What? It sounds like a race horse.
Kristian Donato --interesting, don't like the spelling of Christian though. This sounds like an eccentric artist.
Hayleigh Jade- Cute, but I dislike the spelling of Hayleigh. Jade is nice.
Nivea Alisette- Very pretty...but nmsaa.
Anna Mariela- Pretty, but not a great flow imho.
Alexis Mackenzie- nrms, but not the worst name in the world.
Ariana Angeli Rosa- Pretty...not sure I like Angeli, but I like the others.
Emily Lauren- Very pretty, but a little dull.
Fluffy- Oh no! Poor child. Sounds like they were naming a dog.
Alisya Marie Ann- nms.
Cara Marie- Love it, although Marie is a really boring mn.
Jordan Christine- Like Christine a lot. Hate Jordan, especially for a girl.
Helena Grace- nms, but not too bad.
Rhea Amit- Ok, just nmsaa.
Layla Elizabeth- Nice enough.
Mikayla Rose- Like Rose.
Dnyabti Te'Ari- nmsaa, but I don't really have a comment since it sounds cultural, perhaps.
Jessica Lyn- Ok, but a bit dull.
Jamie Lynn- Same.
Minnie- I think it's cute, but a little insubstantial.
Chase Michael- Chase is nms, but not bad. Michael is nice.
Nivea Alisette- Very pretty...but nmsaa.
Anna Mariela- Pretty, but not a great flow imho.
Alexis Mackenzie- nrms, but not the worst name in the world.
Ariana Angeli Rosa- Pretty...not sure I like Angeli, but I like the others.
Emily Lauren- Very pretty, but a little dull.
Fluffy- Oh no! Poor child. Sounds like they were naming a dog.
Alisya Marie Ann- nms.
Cara Marie- Love it, although Marie is a really boring mn.
Jordan Christine- Like Christine a lot. Hate Jordan, especially for a girl.
Helena Grace- nms, but not too bad.
Rhea Amit- Ok, just nmsaa.
Layla Elizabeth- Nice enough.
Mikayla Rose- Like Rose.
Dnyabti Te'Ari- nmsaa, but I don't really have a comment since it sounds cultural, perhaps.
Jessica Lyn- Ok, but a bit dull.
Jamie Lynn- Same.
Minnie- I think it's cute, but a little insubstantial.
Chase Michael- Chase is nms, but not bad. Michael is nice.
Oh my God, FLUFFY? That's sick!
Fluffy!? Did her daddy lose a bet or something? Sheesh!
Davids Son as a mn: Gah. That was really unnecessary. I hope Brandon doesn't inherit his dad's insecure ego (or short lifespan, if mom did it). I don't even want to think about what other reasons his mom might have had for calling him that... :-/
Nivea: I guess it means something else besides the name of a cosmetic brand?
I like these pretty well.
Cara Marie
Emily Lauren
Jamie Lynn
Jessica Lyn
Aidan Vincent
Jordan Thomas
Davids Son as a mn: Gah. That was really unnecessary. I hope Brandon doesn't inherit his dad's insecure ego (or short lifespan, if mom did it). I don't even want to think about what other reasons his mom might have had for calling him that... :-/
Nivea: I guess it means something else besides the name of a cosmetic brand?
I like these pretty well.
Cara Marie
Emily Lauren
Jamie Lynn
Jessica Lyn
Aidan Vincent
Jordan Thomas
please tell me fluffy is from a birth announcement for a litter of puppies
Oh, how I wish!! Maybe the child came out with a full head of hair? It's horrible.
Anna-cute. loce it. That's my new cousin's name!
Ariana-pretty but I don't really like the "r" sound.
Rosa-I love this name. Pretty
Emily-ah, too popular
Ann-nice and plain! :-) But I prefer the spelling Anne.
Cara (but only pronounced CAH-ra)-cute and pretty.
Helena-Very pretty.
Grace-popular but cute.
Elizabeth-popular. I don't really like it.
Rose-pretty. I like Rosa better.
Michael-popular but nice
Jonathan-okay, but I prefer the name John
John-nice and plain.
Thomas-Reminds me of Thomas the Train! If I ever name my child this, then I will always call him Tommy because I love the nn Tommy but I don't really like Thomas.
Anna-cute. loce it. That's my new cousin's name!
Ariana-pretty but I don't really like the "r" sound.
Rosa-I love this name. Pretty
Emily-ah, too popular
Ann-nice and plain! :-) But I prefer the spelling Anne.
Cara (but only pronounced CAH-ra)-cute and pretty.
Helena-Very pretty.
Grace-popular but cute.
Elizabeth-popular. I don't really like it.
Rose-pretty. I like Rosa better.
Michael-popular but nice
Jonathan-okay, but I prefer the name John
John-nice and plain.
Thomas-Reminds me of Thomas the Train! If I ever name my child this, then I will always call him Tommy because I love the nn Tommy but I don't really like Thomas.