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[Facts] Hey everyone.....
No baby yet, just so you guys dont get to excited!
I am 39 weeks today though!!!! I have had some ups and downs.... I got fired from my job on the 29th of Jan. Yeah long story but I am going to file unlawful terminaton on them!
I am 2 1/2 cms dialted and 80-90% effaced.... so hopefully very soon! Still so unsure of name! Ryan suggested Winter..... What do you all think? I have totally decided against Rianna... sounds to much like my name! And decided against trying to name her after Ryan and I, I just didnt like anything!
Other names I like are Kaylee or Kylie! I like Amber but Ryan thinks it is overplayed soo.....
No Ryan and I are not back together.... but he is in bad shape mentally! He is being forced to move out of his rents(another long story) so he is freaking out about having no place to bring the kids! He came over for support I guess the other night! But anyways that is a short update... I may be around more if I dont have the baby! Though doc thinks within the nest week! CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!!!!!!
I miss you all!!!!Love- Gia
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I like the name Kaylee. I was going to name my daughter that (after my mom's middle name Kay and the name she wanted to name me Leigh) but I decided on more unusual names- though my future husband may put in his $.02!
I'm not sure I like Winter as a name, but aren't there other names that mean Winter? This would be the place to find out! Although, as the uniqueness of the name goes, you couldn't get much better!Good luck!
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Firing a woman about to give birth?!Were such issues not resolved after the French revolution?Isnt that contrary to fookin' international law?....crossin' my finger for you 'n your forthcoming angel :)
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well in the state of MN they dont think people are that mean so they dont have a law against it! But I am still going after them cause there reasons where umm BULL!!!
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Gia,I think there is a federal law that states that unless the job involves something hazardous to either/or/both the mother and the fetus, the company CANNOT fire you for being pregnant. First, they have to locate a job within the company that isn't hazardous. If the employer can't, then s/he has to place the expectant mother on maternity leave or something like that until she is out of the hospital.Perhaps Nanaea or Barb can look it up on the internet to doublecheck my facts (I hope you don't mind me "volunteering" you for this, Nan & Barb :).).Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Family and Medical Leave Act"If the employer can't, then s/he has to place the expectant mother on maternity leave or something like that until she is out of the hospital."Unfortunately, Gia may not have been working long enough with this particular employer in order to qualify for the mandatory 12-weeks of unpaid leave which the Family and Medical Leave Act provides. The qualifications to be met are that the employee must...1. work for a covered employer (goverment agencies, schools, or private-sector businesses which employ a minimum of 50 employees).2. have worked for the employer for a total of at least 12 months.3. have worked at least 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months.5. work at a location where at least 50 employees are employed by the employer within 75 miles.-- Nanaea
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My company only empolyed about 12 employees... :( But other then that I had been there for over a year and worked full time so!
Thanks for looking Nan!
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typo: #5 should be #4.
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Welcome home, Gia Nadine. :)About Ryan... "He came over for support I guess the other night!" I presume he's giving his children support -- of the monetary kind? Sorry to hear about the job. E-mail your boss's name and the name of his company to me, and I'll put a curse on them.-- Nanaea
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Cool. Glad you are well. Kaylee Winter is pretty. Kylie is being way overused lately. Hope all works out for you and keep us updated.
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Kayley (Kaylee) Winter sounds nice!
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Hi!! Thanks for popping in, we missed you!!Sarah
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