[Opinions] Re: WDYTO Sorcha?
According to the baby names of Ireland site, its either "sor + aka"
or "surk + ha." I missed the prn in the original post, but yeah, I think you're right. I don't believe I've seen it as Soar-sha anywhere.
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WDYTO Sorcha?  ·  Justina  ·  1/18/2005, 6:06 PM
Thank you everyone for the input...  ·  Justina  ·  1/19/2005, 5:42 PM
Re: WDYTO Sorcha?  ·  Oona  ·  1/19/2005, 7:22 AM
Re: WDYTO Sorcha?  ·  alice  ·  1/19/2005, 5:58 AM
Re: WDYTO Sorcha?  ·  Elinor  ·  1/19/2005, 2:13 AM
Re: WDYTO Sorcha?  ·  chazda  ·  1/18/2005, 9:03 PM
Re: WDYTO Sorcha?  ·  Oona  ·  1/19/2005, 7:25 AM
Re: WDYTO Sorcha?  ·  iris  ·  1/18/2005, 7:43 PM
Re: WDYTO Sorcha?  ·  Kat  ·  1/18/2005, 7:06 PM
Re: WDYTO Sorcha?  ·  Miss Claire  ·  1/18/2005, 6:51 PM
Re: WDYTO Sorcha?  ·  Lissa Hannah  ·  1/18/2005, 6:42 PM
Re: WDYTO Sorcha?  ·  Maria Maria  ·  1/18/2005, 6:19 PM