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[Facts] My gift to you... (awwwwwww -gag-)
Well... I am leaving thursday as soon as i get home, so i wanted to post now, so if ppl want to leave me messages they have teus. and wed.
I am off to Florida for a week (warmth!!! thank the lord... cept i dont believe in him.. -confused-... nvm) and then to Ottawa (COLD!!! brrr...) for another,
for a science and technology ... thingy...
I think 'Thingymabober' should be a name. What you ppl think?
Well here will be my last list for a while, its a long one.
Its one of my fav tho I think, some bold and beautiful, hiddious and heavenly names... more are hiddious... lol
I have included (m) or (f) after ea. one if i know, i would absolutly LOVE if ppl could find meanins to these and they were added to the site :)
And of course my usual off the wall and slightly rude commentary is added for ur viewing pleasure
Tootles,,, and enjoy :)¸.·´ .·´"))
((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:-
¸.·´ .·´"))
((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:-
-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´* ~SilverCassander - male form of Cassandra
Maveri - female form of MaverickAether (f) - i think this is what heals my ppl in my rpg game... i think this is heather on crack... I think this is a nice name, lol
Akulp (m) - my guess... the sound u make when u 'hicup'
Amberlie (f) - maybe just amber and lee, maybe some new beautiful creation... then again, maybe just amber and lee
Ander (m) - I think this is off the name AlexANDER... ppl now adays
Arelec (m) - GARLIC!
Ashanie (f) - A shantie??
Baney (f) - McBain... from simpons fan
Battejen (m) - Battle Jen!!!
Chidiva (f) - Chick diva... -rolls eyes- come on ppl... there is no shortage of names
Dagion (m) - its spelt 'dragon'...
Dalesc (m) - first thing it reminds me of, dyslexic... maybe this explains the name, lol
Dominy (m) - Patri the spirt Disanti... no latin words from prayers... that was used in boondocks saints b4 THEY SHOOT SUMONE!
Emming (f) - Lemming?
Enchema (f) - Echenicia and Exema (i didint spell either right and i dotn care...)
Enzie (f) - From McKenzie.. or Menzie... probably///
Eyden (m) - Ey Den do it...
Fadden (f) - i dont like these type of jeans
Fyric (m) - freak??
Gefinnie (f) - Geoffery as a fairy? Giovanni horribly mutated into a woman?
Gida (f) - 'yea man that chick wuz a Gida one"
Ipauk (m) - the word is Opaque... and please look up what it means
Ivalique (f) - all i can say is perdy :)
Janicithon (m) - cz Janice and Johnathon got high... cz they got high... do do do do do
Jeredith (f) - please pay attention... the name is MMMMMMMMMeredith... this is what happens when Jerry and Meredith "merge"
Jerther (m) - Jerk'er... ill let ur imagination take that one...
Jifferi (m) - didnt i just say before its Jeffrey!!!
Jillidith (f) - OMG!! Meredith cheated on Jerry with Jill... um... how does that work.. wait... i dun' wanna know
Kahlara (f) - i think this is a city... or small country.. or a province, or a state... yea u get the picture
Kinnon (m) - From McKinnon no doubt...
Kyleu (f) - Kyleu Kyleu Kylay... yea they taught us to call a BIRD BY THAT B4!!!
Lachey (f) - Leaching Lacy...
Larisez (m) - its Larissa for men!!!
Magusta (f) - Agusta with an m...
Mylagh (m) - OWWW I HURT MY' LAGH
Nabarri (f) - ur underage! no barri for u!
Nadaw (m) - 'nah... duh.... geez... idiot.... like cha...."
Nanova (f) - 'Nan... ova' there..."
Ohnager (m) - little Rutiger...
Onygo (m) - "but mom... i onygo to the concert!!"
Oregho (m) - "fine... u can go to the concert... Oregho to the mall..."
Ovicho (f) - Bless You
Patri (f) - see "Dominy"
Rabea (f) - a rabbit with rabies?
Raider (m) - of the lost ark!
Ralen (m) - we need new Ralen's in the house!
Rastree (f) - rasberry's do not grow on trees...
Raudery (f) - Rottery is what we started in grade 8!!!
Reneria (f) - the newest STD... related to Goneril... lol
Rheaven (f) - Heaven with an R... this doesnt make u unique...
Ricavan (m) - "Rick's van"
Rinangi (?) - Rin a tin tin... meet Angie... shes a cocker spaniel -wink wink-
Risrie (f) - i had a riserie once... then i changed relegions... lol
Ryn (f) - i like this
Ryngi (f) - i dont like this
Sacro (m) - sacrement?? :S
Samic (m) - Sami... with a c...
Sytoph (m) - a type of plankton???
Thonisirin (m) - thats good cough syrup
Tifer (f) - this is a nick name for Tiffany
Trilee (f) - a relative of 'tora and loura and laa' must be irish...
Troina (f) - Troy... in a ... ??
Trorie (m) - i opened my Droory,
Uthere (m) - Utter... or 'Ooo.... there.. it is'
Uvaligi (f) - i dont know why but I see the word ugly in this
Yobe (m) - "Yo be my love fer ever...."
Zettel (m) - a surname turned first name!I luv ya all, chat back at me!
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Better bring a sweater...At the moment FL is in a bit of a cold snap. It was 33 degrees last night and the high for today is only 60. Depending on where you are from that may be a good thing. At any rate it's better than yesterday's high of 52 degrees.OH! And if you happen to be in the Tampa area, take a detour to Plant City (about an hour east of Tampa). February 28th through March 12th is our annual Florida Strawberry Festival. We get people from all over the world that come every year for our strawberries. (We are the winter strawberry capital of the world you know.)Enjoy your trip, Silver, wherever you go!
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DISNEY!!!! (more a special moment...)I don't know what you all happen to think about net rlnships,
But they have been very important to me, and i think it is good to just love someone for their mind, bcz in the end, thats what matters
I met Christopher (Micheal Heggemann) through a mutual friend named Eric.
Me and eric used to go out, but I found out he was a fen sucked ball of puke... and that kind of ended things...
Me and Chris have known eachother for about 6 1/2 months now, and have been... more then friends for about 5 of them
He is the sweetest, most thoughtful, and kind, and compassionate, and sensitive person I have ever met.
no one else can even come close.
I have never had someone be so sweet to me...
He knows and understands me more then anyone else, and we have things in common, but not to much, and not to little
He seems absolutly perfect... and then one night, I had a dream about him, where he was older, and we were married with a family
I told him, and i thought he would freak... but he thought it was wonderful... and we had a long talk about it
Well... to cut to the point... 1 1/2 weeks later, tonight, Teus. March 5, 2002, at 10:23 Eastern Standard Time... he asked me to marry him!
Even though it is just in chat (we talk on msn, but we will go the chat me and eric met on, where we have some close friends to be married)
it means the world to me, and I am on cloud nine.
For the longest time I wished I could get someone locally, and I felt so alone... but I don't anymore.
He always makes me feel happy, and wanted, and never alone.
It is like I can feel him with me at all times, and every time you breath in you can taste the pressence, and ur chest feels havy, its hard to breathe, and ur heart beats faster
You smile and sigh to urself all the time... and get shivers of contentment....
I really hope this is the one, I could never want anyone else, or ask for anyone more perfect

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Dum dum di dum, dum dum di dum...Ditto Nan's advice- BE CAREFUL!!! Just because all of us here at BtN are really, truely, fantastic in real life (we are aren't we?!)doesn't mean that your online sweetie is. I have heard of some pretty wonderful relationships developing on the 'net though. Oprah had a whold show on it one day. Good luck and Best Wishes!!
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Well..."Ditto Nan's advice- BE CAREFUL!!!"I dunno if that was advice so much that I gave, as it was more of a cautionary warning.Silver, if you want advice, you're welcome to ask for it -- but you didn't really sound as though you wanted any.Have a great time in Florida.-- Nanaea
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Congratulations, Silver. You have two children *and* a grandson? I somehow thought that you were much younger -- still in school, actually. Did I read something wrong somewhere? lol!-- Nanaea
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lol, yes ye did Nan,I am 16, and in school
Grade 11
and said this is an online rlnship
me and chris has never met
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This is what had me confused, Silver, where you wrote: "All my friends in rl (that can) and all my chat friends can come, including my online family (we are very close, mother, father, and my 2 children from 2 previous rlnships) and my grandson (product of my youngest child's affiar...)"Don't know what that all was about! lol!You sound pretty smart to me, Silver. I hope this guy you've been chatting with online is really all he's been telling you he is. I'm sure you don't need to be told that there are a lot of predators on the 'net out there, pretending to be younger than they really are.Enjoy your 'net relationship -- but remember, keep yourself safe.-- Nanaea
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