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[Games] Create Your Family- Part 4
This is a few years later- your oldest child is in fourth grade, your multiple births are in first grade, and the foriegn twins are in three years old. I thought of promising no more kids, but it really does make it interesting. Now you have quads to deal with! (Are you shocked or thrilled?) They should be two girls and two boys. You get a new pet. And once again, with the four new additions, it's moving time! Dear friends and family,
I thought our days with children were over after we adopted Michele and Felix. But I was as wrong as ever... On September 19, we welcomed April Charlotte, Karen Amalia, Nicholas Ryan, and James Noah into our growing family. April weighed six pounds, three ounces, Karen weighed seven pounds, one ounce, Nick weighed six pounds, nine ounces, and Jamie weighed seven pounds, two ounces. We are delighted, although still in shock about the energy we have to put into this. Marcus has found a girlfriend, which we adopted. We named her Rose. Much to our surprise, I wasn't the only pregnant person- Rose had a litter of kittens! We sold three kittens and kept two. We named the two kittens Tibby and Elise. Now that we had two parents, ten kids, and four cats, we decided we definitely needed a new house. So for the second time, we packed up our house and moved to a larger house on the other side of town. At last (I'm positive about this,) our family will stay the same time.Love,
Hannah, Chris,
Matt, Ben, Cecily,
April, Karen, Ryan, Jamie,
Marcus, Rose,
Tibby, EliseEdited because part of it got cut off

This message was edited 1/30/2005, 12:55 PM

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The world is going to end.Honestly, I don't quite mean it that way, family mine. I'm just...a bit flummoxed at the moment. Ecstatic, but more than a little flummoxed.How in the world will Christo and I manage to take care of four more children?Well, it'll be all right. You all do know, of course, that we've finally been able to build the house of our dreams, after that nasty setback a while ago. Anyway, there's plenty of room for everyone, and the little ones are fascinated by the concept of four more "little ones". I'll have to come up with a good nickname for them, I suppose.Oh, yes. Suppose you'll want to know their names. Well, we've got Veronica Ruth, Margaretta Pauline, Bernard Kolbe, and Francis Theodosius. They're all lovely, and it looks like they'll be Vera, Marlo, Bernie, and Frankie. I'm not fond of Bernie, but Mena is. She's called him nothing but Bernie-Bern.Additionally, she's gotten herself a kitten. I didn't want to let her, but Christo insists that it's a good little cat. The poor mewling was quickly dubbed "Mikey" by Lock, and Mena decided it had a great ring to it.I pointed out that it was a girl cat, and she said she didn't care. Well, the little ones are calling for me, and their golden siblings are screaming it up, so I'd better go.Much love,
Ivy, Christopher, Philomena, Agnes, Laurence, Joachim, Edith, Johan, Lisbet, Veronica, Margaret, Bernard, and Francis
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Dear friends and family,Talk about the shock of a lifetime when we found out we were having quads! The pregnancy a surprise in itself became even more shocking when we learned we were to have not one but four more new additions!Our new adorable babies, Alexander Paul "Alec", Eli James, Julia May and Lillian Jane "Lily" were born 5 weeks early and had to spend time in the NICU but our now healthy and at home with their family.With even more children, we need an even bigger house! Once again we have moved to our new home, which we hope will be for the final time.Love,
Jamie and Stephen plus,
Thomas, Simon, Isabel, Henry, Charlie, Alec, Eli, Julia and Lily
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Greetings once again from the mad house,We had pretty well decided after the twins that, that was it. No more children. So much for that theory... We now have another set of quads. What are the odds on that? My doctor is amazed. We are all fairly shocked. Luckily with the practices doing so well, everything is taken care of. Will, Nate, Alex, Becca, Adam, Chris, Iain, Maura and myself are amazed to announce the birth of Andrew Phillip Craig, Sarah Ethne Madeleine, Katherine Fiona Eleanor & Harrison Morgan Monroe on April 17th. Andrew weighed 6lbs even, with Sarah and Kate (identical again) each at 5lbs even. Harry, was the smallest at 4lbs 4 ounces, but has gained more weighted more quickly than the others combined. Each are bright eyed and highly alert and all look forward to meeting you very soon. Nate is currently in the 4th grade and when he's not in school (excelling suprisingly enough in math and not so suprisingly in English) or playing with his siblings or his seemingly adopted friend Garret (Whose mother feels the same) or playing with the dogs and other animals, is content to read, or in the winter on nice days go play hockey with his dad and younger siblings. He looks just like his dad actually. His dark hair remained as did his blue eyes and he's probably the tallest boy in his class outside of Garret.

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Dear friends and family,After Emma and Charlotte we planned on being done but too our suprise we found out that we were having quads!! Joshua Ryan, Benjamin Joseph, Hannah Noelle, and Sarah Jane were born November 3rd. Josh was 3 lbs. 9 ozs. Ben was 3 lbs. 6 ozs. Hannah was 3 lbs. 2 ozs. and Sarah was 2 lbs. 11 ozs. Although we were shocked to find ourselves with four more children we are delighted to welcome them to the family.We decided that the older ones were old enough to have a dog so also joining our family is Rico our Chihuahua puppy. He is just the tiniest little thing and a joy to have around.Well now that we have four more babies and no more rooms weve decided to move to a bigger house on the other side of town. In this house there are 5 bedrooms and a den which will have to serve as the 6th.Love,
Nikki, Sean,
Ethan, Berke,
Emma, Charlotte,
Josh, Ben, Hannah, Sarah,
Murphy and Rico.
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Dear Friends and Family,
You must be sick of these letters by now! Surprise, we've just had Quads. Claire Genevieve, Charles Edward, Oliver Nicholas and Emma Caroline arrived just yesterday. They are still at the hospital with Caroline but will be coming home soon. The kids are ecstatic, as am I.
We got two new cats, brothers. We named them Eli and Finn, and Leo absolutely loves them.
We've also had to do some work on the house. The attic is no longer a den, but two new bedrooms. Susannah and Camille share, Julia and Kate share one, William and Thomas share one and now the quads live in the top two. It's been a lot of work, but we're happy. NO More kids though!James, Caroline
Katherine, Julia and William
Camille and Thomas
Claire, Charlie, Oliver and Emma.
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Dear friends and family,
On April 4th, we welcomed quads into our family! Lavender Marina, Emmeline Bryony, Elijah William, and Kieran Dominic were born at 10:30 in the morning. Lavender weighed exactly three pounds, Emma weighed three pounds, two ounces, Elijah weighed two pounds, fourteen ounces, and Kieran weighed three pounds, six ounces. We are delighted, although very busy!We also have a new pet in the family - a kitten named Daisy! We got her from our neighbors when their cat had a litter of kittens, and Lilia picked her out and named her. Lilia is now in fourth grade and is a very good student. Her favorite subject is Math, and she loves to read as well. Finley and Ivy are in first grade, and Elspeth and Isobel have just started preschool. All the children are excited about the birth of the quads!Now that we are a large family of eleven, we needed to move into a bigger house again! Lilia, Ivy, and Finley each have their own room, and Elspeth and Isobel share a room, and there are two extra bedrooms for the quads when they get older. Love,
Merry, Josh,
Finley, Ivy,
Elspeth, Isobel,
Lavender, Emma, Elijah, Kieran,
Sadie and Daisy
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Dear friends and family,Ethan, I and the kids are doing great. We are please to announce the shocking birth of our quads. Their names are... Everett Michael, Isaac Theodore, Natalia Isabel and Marina Lyric. Everett weighed 3 pounds and 14 ounces, Isaac weighed 4 pounds and 6 ounces, Natalia weighed 3 pounds and 11 ounces, last but not least... Marina weighed 2 pounds, 15 ounces. Marina was incubated in the hospital for over a week. Her lungs wasn't as developed as her brothers and sister. She is now out of the hospital and doing great at home. With the new addition, I have hired my mother, sister and friend Nicole, to help out with the kids. My house has become a circus! Speaking of my home we have recently moved to a bigger farmhouse a few miles north of here. It is located on the shore of Lake Huron and is surrounded by 100 acres of trees and pasture. Ethan has put a lot of time and effort into the welfare of our darling Agatha. She has recently had a baby. He is a boy is pure black. We have named him Angus. Agatha is a great mother and is flourished since becoming apart of our family.
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Dear all,Guess what, everybody? We've purchased another fish! Yes, Morgan was begging and begging us to get a wife for Bernard, so in the end, we did. It's another of those little eletrical blue things. We let Morgan name her; he called her Frances, after his friend Francis.Oh, and the other day, I suddenly gave birth to four children in the middle of BHS. I didn't even know I was pregnant! Luckily, the woman in front of us in the queue (buying two grey skirts and a pink v-neck) was a midwife, and assisted with the birth. Vivian Scott was born first, weighing 4lbs, 1oz, followed by Louisa Rosemary (Rosemary was after the midwife), weighing 3lbs 6oz. After her came August Eliza, weighing 3lbs 5oz, and finally, Frank Carter, weighing 3lbs 2oz. Anyway, they're all doing fine now, and we've bought them home. They were born on August 5th, btw, for anybody wanting to note that down in their diary.Anyway, what with nine children and two fish, we've decided to move house again. Now that Dominic's a DI, we're getting even more in, and have bought a nice Edwardian place up town, with six bedrooms and three bathrooms!Archie and Blythe have started school. I requested for them to be put in seperate classes, they fight non-stop at home, and I don't want it to interfere with their school-work. Morgan's doing fantastically well at English, and he and his little friend Francis are always hanging around together; they're writing a story together, apparently.

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