[Facts] please read
i have been on the web for a while today trying to find the origin of my last name and what it means. (it's Solis)
if someone knows what it means and where it came from please email me. i don't know if i would be able to find this site again cuz i use my school's
computer. so please someone who knows email me.thank you,
ricardo solis
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My maiden name is Sartain, my mothers maiden name is Solis, my grandmother's maiden name is Munoz and her mother Rios and her father Solis. Any comments or connections from anyone out there?My grandmother Flavia Munoz father was Eulaio Munoz and goes back to his father Adran Munoz ( A Spanish with blonde hair and blue eyes.)
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"Solis" is a Latin word which literally means "of the sun". It's also a Spanish name which means: "One who came from Solis ("sunny place") in Spain."-- Nanaea
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