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[Facts] Eileithyia
I posted this a while back on the opinions board but nobody had heard of it, so i thought somebody here might know. It is a girls name and i think it was a goddess of childbirth or fertility or something, but dous anybody know anything about it other than that especially how ot is pronounced? have you ever known somebody with this name?
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Eileithyia (Eéëåéèõßá) is indeed the Goddess protecting women during childbirth. She is daughter of Zeus and Hera, and has also been associated with the Goddess Artemis. Eileithyia is derived from the grammatical form "elelythuia" meaning "the arriving one". The name is pronounced illy-thEEah.
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Thank-you so much, i was starting to think i had imagined it nobody ever seemed to know what i was talking about. i know this is not an opinions board, but do you like the name? I always thought it looked beautiful written down. i like it i think. can you imagine it ona real person?
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For what its worth, I think it is a beautiful name. However, it not used any longer by Greeks because it sounds exactly like "elethia" (Çëçèéá) which means "foolish woman" :(
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