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[Facts] website question for everyone
I've changed the site a bit (it now relies entirely on cascading style sheets). You won't notice a difference unless you're using an older web browser.The question is simple: What colour is the background of this website? Do you see white or a bluey-purple colour?
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I feel positively ancient web browser gives a light grey background!
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Sorry Mom...
Which computer are you using?
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The one you passed on to about ungrateful parents, eh?
(light grey is actually just fine)
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Shades of the Tabloids...He's the cyber-toast of Victoria, plays all the big Internet cafes, travels with a 20-man posse, has stretch SUVs and palatial villas in exotic places like Medicine Hat and Kitchener...meanwhile, his loving Mom sits shivering in the dim-lit back room of the tiny library in Tofutti, BC, eating cat food and staring wearily at the grey image on the 13" screen of her hand-me-down 286.Where is the outrage?!! Where is the justice?!! Don't be a cheap-ass, Mikey. Spring for a Pentium 4 for Mother's Day!!
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You don't know the half of it....Not only that, but her clothes are hand woven from salal leaves and she generates the power for her computer from sea lion guano. The tiny Tofutti library is no secret, but how did you find out about the cat food?
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I just assumed from my own Mom's situation (she prefers the Purina One Salmon & Tuna to the smellier canned stuff). But like in the old Dilbert cartoon, we gave her an Etch-A-Sketch and TOLD her it was a Pentium 4.
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Heh heh......and we gave Mike our rusty old Eagle Vista and TOLD him it was a stretched SUV.
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LOL! He be chillin' in a corroded Mitsubishi, stretch Escalade
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bluish-purpleabout one month ago it was green
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About 1 month ago it was St. Patrick's Day...coincidence? Noooo...
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Same color as always~ bluey~purple~! :)
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Bluey-purple colour.
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Bluey-purple (periwinkle?)
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bluey-purple colour
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I see the same bluey-purple colour as always.:)
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Ditto :)
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Me three.
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Me too.:)
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Likewise, but there's a shadowy image of Elvis toward the right side of the screen...
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LOL! Blue-violet.
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