[Facts] NaMeS
What do you think of these names and their middle names~?
Bernadette Ashleigh Lastname
Bernadette Mia Lastname
Caramia Ashleigh Lastname
Caramia Bernadette Lastname
Mia Bernadette Lastname
Bernadette Ashleigh Lastname
Bernadette Mia Lastname
Caramia Ashleigh Lastname
Caramia Bernadette Lastname
Mia Bernadette Lastname
Caramia Bernadette is BEAUTIFUL. Anything except Ashleigh. I loathe that name. It is overused, unoriginal, and just plain sucks.
Bernadette Ashleigh Lastname: I dont like Bernadette at all or Ashleigh.
Bernadette Mia Lastname: I love Mia, not a good combo
Caramia Ashleigh Lastname: I love Caramia but not Ashleigh but this is my first choice out of these
Caramia Bernadette Lastname: Yet again Caramia but Im not wild about the middle name
Mia Bernadette Lastname: Same thing as before. okay flow
Bernadette Mia Lastname: I love Mia, not a good combo
Caramia Ashleigh Lastname: I love Caramia but not Ashleigh but this is my first choice out of these
Caramia Bernadette Lastname: Yet again Caramia but Im not wild about the middle name
Mia Bernadette Lastname: Same thing as before. okay flow
Bernadette Ashleigh: It's nice, but it's not my style.
Bernadette Mia: Not wild about this combo.
Caramia Ashleigh: Out of all the names, this is my favorite.
Caramia Bernadette: A little long and doesn't flow nicely.
Mia Bernadette: Not wild about it.
So, out of your list, I like Caramia Ashleigh.
Bernadette Mia: Not wild about this combo.
Caramia Ashleigh: Out of all the names, this is my favorite.
Caramia Bernadette: A little long and doesn't flow nicely.
Mia Bernadette: Not wild about it.
So, out of your list, I like Caramia Ashleigh.