[Games] Short Judged Initial CAF *RESULTS*
The Closest Names:
LN: Long - auria (not quite right, but the closest)
DH: Stephen Franco - tor (FN right, but spelt different. MN almost right, except the "o". ^ ^)
DW: Wendy Anne - Acquarella (both names right.)
DD: Maria Christine - Isla (FN right. MN way off, but Isla was the only one to correctly guess Maria, so she wins it. ^ ^)
Our Favourite Names (judged by two people)
LN: Lewis-Larson - Sophie, Siri and Arcadia (we were never going to agree on one of these names, so I cheated and had both!)
DH: Simon Frank - Sophie
DW: Wendy Annabelle - Leona
DD: Miranda Catherine - Leona
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everybody for playing! :-)

LN: Long - auria (not quite right, but the closest)
DH: Stephen Franco - tor (FN right, but spelt different. MN almost right, except the "o". ^ ^)
DW: Wendy Anne - Acquarella (both names right.)
DD: Maria Christine - Isla (FN right. MN way off, but Isla was the only one to correctly guess Maria, so she wins it. ^ ^)
Our Favourite Names (judged by two people)
LN: Lewis-Larson - Sophie, Siri and Arcadia (we were never going to agree on one of these names, so I cheated and had both!)
DH: Simon Frank - Sophie
DW: Wendy Annabelle - Leona
DD: Miranda Catherine - Leona
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everybody for playing! :-)

So what were the names???
Sorry... Steven Frank, Wendy Anne and Maria Carole. ^ ^