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[Facts] PLEASE HELP - whats this name mean SHAILESH?????
I've already posted this message without getting a response. I would be really really grateful for anyones help with telling me what the following name meansshailesh(first name)gender - male
ethnic background - indian, hinduTHANK YOU
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Could it be because we are still searching ourselves?Please have patience since etymology isn't exactly as quick as pushing a button and...VOILA...success.Thank you very much.
Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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of course i understand that it may take time but with no responses from both my posts (including this) i am begining to think that it is not that is taking time but instead the message is simply being ignored.either way i don't hold much hope for a reply to my original post.thank you (anyway)
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I think it means god of the mountain, Himalayan
hope that helps
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