[Facts] Boys name ---- Chase
We are expecting a son anyday now.... we cant wait. We are going to name him Chase. We love the name. We are still torn on whether to use the middle name Brennan, Alexander, or Evan... any thoughts?
I like Chase Alexander best. Chase Michael might be nice, or Chase Sebastian.
If you choose a midname beginning with a vowel, check the full set of initials (incl. yer last name) to avoid unfortunate combos (CAB, CAD, CAN, CAP, CAR, CAT)!
(I had a friend in college whose parents got him a monogrammed briefcase one year. Emblazoned below the handle in big bold letters were his initials: BAG. We laughed our arses off!)
(I had a friend in college whose parents got him a monogrammed briefcase one year. Emblazoned below the handle in big bold letters were his initials: BAG. We laughed our arses off!)
Chase Alexander would be very nice. Also I think Chase Thomas is pretty cute.
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where it belongs.
where it belongs.