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[Facts] my sister's name
Hello!My sister is called Camelia,and here I found too many names similar to her name.How can I be sure of which one is the right one?We are Romanian, and I know this is the name of a flower, but I don't know where it comes from.Can you help me?
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According to the OED, the flower Cemellia was named after Kamel (latinized Camellus), a Moravian Jesuit who described the botany of the island of Luzon.
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Switchin the names up a bit, Paul? You know I just have to comment that it's so nice when people actually post questions and give all the information that they are supposed to, and in such a lovely manner. Kudos to Cristina. :) Hey Pavlos, do you have out your little American flag to wave around tomorrow?? :)Sarahjeanne
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LOL! I had just posted elsewere as Paul Pan, and got carried away :) As a matter of fact, I will be celebrating the 4th of July with a couple of old college-mates from the States at the Athens TGI Friday's (the most authentic American joint in Athens!) No fireworks, I'm afraid :(
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No fire works, no fun! :( Oh well. I love Friday's. Try the steak on a stick. It's yummy. Well I hope you have a good time. I'm going to Missouri wine country, a.k.a. Hermann, MO to see my new squeeze. He owns a bar there, so he has to work. :( Don;t get your self in too much trouble. Will you be drinking the all American Budweiser or Bud Lite? :)Sarahjeanne
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After a few bottles of Samuel Adams (my *favorite* US beer) we will all be seeing fireworks :P HAve lotsa fun in "Hermann, MO" (= "Harm no men!") :P
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