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[Facts] My Name- Novlette
I was looking up my name on the website and i noticed it was not there it is a rather unique name and i only know of about 3 other people with my name. it has interested me to find out the origin and meaning of my name and i was wondering if you could help me with that. Due to the -tte in my name people have suggested that it may be of french origin i would b grateful if you would enlighten me many people have asked as it is such a unique name and i am now tierd ov sayion' oh i dont know ill have to find out'
it would b much appreciated thank you yours sincerely Novlette
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What is your ethnic background? I haven't heard of your name before, and if it wasn't because you mention three others by the same name, I would have thought that it was literally unique, i.e. made up by your parents. Don't your parents have something to say about what your name means, since they are the ones who picked it?
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I concur, and...Well, what Tue said . . . and also, on a purely guessing basis, "Novlette" sounds like it might be somehow related to novus/nova, Latin for "new." It could even be from the word novelette, which also comes from novus; either way, it would mean "new."Anyway, whoever named you is likely to have the most insight. :)
vote up1vote down could be a manufactured name meaning "new little girl". A composite of "nova" for "new", "let" for little and "ette" for femininity! Makes sense to me.- Tue
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so u know...i was named after a French Governess to my grandmother. I was told that the name Novlette means something new, of the first kind. it is as special as the one that holds the name.
I am proud to be Novlette:-)
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True, true . . .*rubs chin thoughtfully*
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