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[Facts] what did i miss?!?!?!
IM BACK! Well for the summer. Family is a heading out the east coast way for a little whale and puffin watching in a few weeks, so ill dissapear again.
But for now... HI ALL!
Wow I always miss you guys and this site!
Its like a candy store to me!
I love names, I love language, so this is just a perfect little mix for me.
I actually decided what i want to be, and wow this place had a big influence.
I want to be an archeologist/anthropologist. I want to study ancient human cultures, languages, traditions, religions, I LOVE RELIGION! And i get to use all my favourite subjects, biology, chemistry, geography, linguistics, philosophy, religion!
Anyways, Im sure you all are very busy scholarly types so down to the dirty (which is always the best).
First of all, I have noted in the past many of this sites members are also envolved in many languages and such.
Now as my summer project I have decided to create the perfect language.
Sound like a feat? Sound like the failed language esperanto all over again?
Well im not going for the whole world to speak it, I just think languages are over complicated.
Mine is strictly phoentic and strictly literal, it doesnt grant to much room for poetic license but... i dont care all to much!
I am not using ur average english/sematic (i hope i spelt that right) language alphabet.
All characters are done by sound, so that no letter can make more then one sound.
And almost all words are positive, and to get the antonym u simply add a prefix that cuts down the number of words to leanr by a lot.
Also one word works as a noun, adj, and verb.
I have come up with a few kinks in the system, and I am wondering if anyone here is interested!
Thought it could be fun, and me strictly knowing the sematic language structure is leaving me with limited knowledge of other more effiahnt systems.
I know some very basic chinese, but its not helping, i know too little.Next, there was a person asking about the name Shail, and i wrote a good note explaing that, so all who want to see scroll on down!And of course what does silver always bring? Her name list! yea i know... i can see u all jumping for joy right now, lol, well i love doing this, and im hoping someone out there has been enjoying it too
well here you are, the newest listH'venleigh (awwww, i think this is quite pretty)
Arcda (short form of Arcadia, meaning paradise)
Wysteria (is this like whisper and mysterious?)
Tansya (Tohn-see-yah)
Ketlia (Keit-lee-ah)
Krete - (Kreit)
Arika (japanese)
Tantra (surprisingly roman)
Kuar (japanese, related to the name Puar)
Ambrosia (from the food of the gods, related to the male name Ambrose)
(P)Arveena (with and without the p ive seen this name)
Ascheria (i like this one)
Ceilidh (i cant figure out how to pronounce it, but its the name of a park in Nova Scotia, and a bunch of my friends want to name a child this)
Ambrose (see above)
Devlin (a variation on Devon)
Mokoke (short for of Monokoke)
Monokoke (Japanese)
Kahlis (the next 3 names are all related)
Kahlaha (Kalaya is a spelling variation on this name)
Arhodhya (just me or does this name sound like eroding?)
Hyrho (the new version of spelling Hero, and/or Heero, and pronounced the same)
Saya (Japanese)
Saigie (from the name Sage/Saige)
Niemi (this was the name of a Papal law i believe, around the 1300's, i cant remember exactly what it was from in my book again)
Tiberius (Roman)
Turia (Roman)
Tantalus (Roman)
Thera (variation on Hera)
Jaded (from the stone Jade, or word Jaded)
Rheinisches (German, also the name of a museem)
Ilu (Elu)
Paitou (short for on the Chinese name for Patrick)
Kenji (Chinese)
Asuka (Japanese)
Andrai (this is a variation on a name, that sounds the same... im to tired to think of it)
Calici (appearently a short form of Callisto/Callista)
Catache/Katache (Japanese)
Liatahk (Inuit)Much love~Silver
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Sweetie, the offices of patent attorneys worldwide are crowded wtih people who genuinely believe that they have invented something new, only to find that it's been done a zillion times over. Name games are fun and we all play them, but try using a dictionary or two as well. Tantalus, for instance, comes from classical antiquity all right, you might also like to check the myths, but it also entered English as a name for a sort of box in which you could lock your bottles of booze so that the servants couldn't have little quick swigs when you weren't looking, though the contents were on view.
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...Yea ok 'hun'. I didnt envent any of those names, I never said i did. I found them, that name came out of a book, and it was a Roman name in the book.
The book is The History of the Wife, so its not some ficional novel, its based on real people and events.
So why dont you keep your mind in your own buisness.
I didnt ask for any opinions did i?
And the offices of theropists dealing with over analyzing, grouchy, rude, people that stick their noses where they don't belong are awfully full too so make ur oppointment soon.~Silver
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Wysteria/WisteriaWisteria is a woody, climbing, ornamental vine. The Chinese and Japanese species have very lovely hanging clusters of flowers, followed by large, velvety seed pods. In the language of flowers, wisteria means 'I cling to you' or 'Cling to me'.
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I would be most grateful if you knew about wysteria pods and could tell me how to plant them. Can I just remove them from their green velvety robe, or should I wait until they dry up then place them in humous, or in water to have them sprout.
I'd appreciate any help on the matter.
Thank you anticipatorily,
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Thankz, I think thats a lovely meaning, especially for a little girl :)
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Silver, I think you are freaked out. How old are you, anyway?
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???Why am i freaked out?
I love when people make assumptions not knowing a person, or the reasons for doing things.
They voice their blatant assumptions with no reason for it.
Im 16, is that ok?~Silver
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:) Welcome. This place helped me decide what I want to be too! I'll be majoring in English Language & Literature next year w/ a minor in Communications.
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another theory on Shailif Shail is female, then shail may be from the name Shalia, which has a spelling varation Shailia.
I know it has a middle eastern backround, but im sorry, i woulnt know which one~Silver
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a presorrysorry for the names on my list that are already on here
and for Kenji i did mean Japanese like all the other names (cept for that chinese form of patrick)
my apologies~Silver
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