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[Facts] my last name
i have tried to find the true meaning of my last name for quite awhile and all i come up with is wine trust or wine lover if any one could give me any more info about it or what else it could mean or ots origin could you please inform me thanks alot the name isWEINTRAUT
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Yes, your name does literally mean "wine trust" -- but it's the figurative meaning of your name that matters most, particularly if you happen to be of Jewish descent.Here is what *A Dictionary of Surnames* (Hanks & Hodges) reveals about the many different surnames of German origin which begin with the word "Wein- ":1. German metonymic occupational name for a producer or seller of wine, from German "wein" ("wine, vine").2. Jewish (Ashkenazic); largely an ornamental name, reflecting the prominence of wine in the Jewish Scriptures and its use in several Jewish ceremonies. It has been suggested that the surname has been adopted because of the symbolic association of the vine with the Hebrew personal name "Israel" ("they shall thoroughly glean the remnant of Israel as a vine", Jeremiah 6:9).-- Nanaea
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Hey Nanaea thanks so much for your research you did i a preachate it alot i did not know about the Jewish decent thing I am acully Roman Catholic and my family has been for many many years but what is the signifigance of wine trust i am tring to find that out again thank you for your research again
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If it is not to much trouble could you also find the meaning of my Middle name it is Aldrich which i think is German and mean WIsdonm but no moder day name books have it so if iot is not to much trouble
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