[Opinions] Re: Can anyone pick an English name for me?
in reply to a message by Jian Cao
Jackie is suitable on a man like Jackie Chan, who is much too masculine to be teased about having a woman's name. Perhaps you are like him. I don't know anyone who would really tease a guy named Jackie, though. People might just be afraid you would be teased, when it won't actually happen. Jackie just seems a little bit affected on a guy -- too "friendly" -- I think. Jack is more natural.
Jian Cao looks like it could very comfortably morph into either Jack, or John Kyle. Either of those names is in style, and neither has any bad connotations that I know of. Some students I work with, who are from China, have taken similar sounding English-language names - so that they will know when they are being addressed (because of the similar sound to their Chinese name), yet non-Chinese speakers won't be humiliated by inability to say the Chinese names correctly. I don't know how annoying it might be to have someone call you by a name that's only "close" to your real name - but I certainly am thankful that these Chinese students have given me a way to address them that is comfortable for me! If I went to China I would try to get a Chinese name.

Jian Cao looks like it could very comfortably morph into either Jack, or John Kyle. Either of those names is in style, and neither has any bad connotations that I know of. Some students I work with, who are from China, have taken similar sounding English-language names - so that they will know when they are being addressed (because of the similar sound to their Chinese name), yet non-Chinese speakers won't be humiliated by inability to say the Chinese names correctly. I don't know how annoying it might be to have someone call you by a name that's only "close" to your real name - but I certainly am thankful that these Chinese students have given me a way to address them that is comfortable for me! If I went to China I would try to get a Chinese name.