[Games] New Kind of Adoption Agency!
I really love the adoption agencies so I thought this would be a fun twist. Fill out the form below (only one child per person), and I will reply with a description of your child, who you then get to name. I realise that it is not exactly realistic to get to choose the name of the child you adopt, but I thought it would be fun anyway!
So here is the form:
Age/Age range:
Any other requests:
And I thought it would be good to post the name you choose in the subject line so everyone can see.
I'll be looking forward to your replies!
So here is the form:
Age/Age range:
Any other requests:
And I thought it would be good to post the name you choose in the subject line so everyone can see.
I'll be looking forward to your replies!
COngratualtions on your new twins! They are newborns from ireland, one boy, one girl. Both have blonde hair and blue eyes, and cry if they are seperated. Other than that they are very pleasant.
Age/Age range: Newborn
Girl/Boy/Either: boy
Any other requests: none
Girl/Boy/Either: boy
Any other requests: none
Congratulations on your new son! He is 2 days old, with wispy brown hair and blue eyes. He is a quiet baby, but loves being cuddled. He is a little bit small but should catch up soon.
Rowan Jude Schuyler (Schuyler being the ln)
This message was edited 3/15/2005, 1:05 AM
Age/Age range: Under one year (preferrably quite young, since we're changing the name - I'm pro-birth name when their older)
Girl/Boy/Either: Girl
Any other requests: I'm willing to adopt a baby with special needs
Girl/Boy/Either: Girl
Any other requests: I'm willing to adopt a baby with special needs
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is a newborn, with a little bit of light brown hair and blue eyes. She smiles a lot, and has rosy cheeks. She is very aware of her surroundings.
Age/Age range: 0-2 years old
Girl/Boy/Either: Either
Any other requests: Healthy
Girl/Boy/Either: Either
Any other requests: Healthy
Congratulations on your new son! He is 1 year old with blonde hair and blue eyes. He is very active, and a very healthy baby. He is always cheerful and loves bright colors.
Age/Age range: 0-18y
Girl/Boy/Either: either
Any other requests: none
Girl/Boy/Either: either
Any other requests: none
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is 10 years old with long straight reddish-brown hair and green eyes. She is very athletic, but also has a very girly side and collects dolls. She makes friends easily.
I'd like everyone to meet Talulla Ruth. Talulla is an athletic girl, but she prefers more individual, non-competitive sports. Right now she is testing out different things at the rec-center to figure out what she likes best. This is all new to me because I'm not a sport's fan in the slightest. Fortunately I have a family that is, so they can explain things to me. We also turned one of the walls of her room into her shelf for her doll collection. It's not very big, but we are working on it. I've given her the ones that were made for me when I was alittle girl. She loves them all, but there is one that she sleeps w/ every night. I'm also in the process of signing her up for school. I hope this area has a good school district because I can't afford private school. I may also look into home-schooling if she isn't happy at the school.
Talulla Ruth
forgot to put her name in the subject line
forgot to put her name in the subject line
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is 4 years old, from Germany. She has curly blonde hair and brown eyes. Her first language is German, but she speaks english well for her age. She likes playing outside and catching butterflies.
Age/Age range:1-3 years of age
Girl/Boy/Either: Girl
Any other requests: None
Girl/Boy/Either: Girl
Any other requests: None
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is two years old with brown hair, blue eyes and rosy cheeks. She laughs a lot and loves affection. She is very attached to her teddy-bear.
Annabella Pearl
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Age/Age range: newborn to 5 months
Girl/Boy/Either: Girl
(! ! !) -- Daphne, Mabel, and Violet
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is two weeks old, with light blonde hair and blue eyes. She is always smiling and loves watching those around her. She hardly cries at all.
Age/Age range: 2-5
Girl/Boy/Either: Boy
Any other requests: Nope!
Girl/Boy/Either: Boy
Any other requests: Nope!
Congratualtions on your new son! He is 4 years old with blonde hair and brown eyes. He is a little small for his age but is very frinedly and outgoing. He loves playing with blocks and toy cars.
Age/Age range: infant-4
Girl/Boy/Either: girl please
Any other requests: none

Do you believe?
Girl/Boy/Either: girl please
Any other requests: none

Do you believe?
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is 4 years old, with shoulder-length blonde hair and green eyes. She loves dancing and watching or reading fairy-tales. She is always smiling and loves to dress up like Tinkerbell.
Age/Age range: 6-16
Girl/Boy/Either: boy
Any other requests: Can he come from somewhere in Europe?
Girl/Boy/Either: boy
Any other requests: Can he come from somewhere in Europe?
Congratulations on your new son! He is 10 years old from Italy. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes, and is of average build. He speaks some English but not much. He loves playing football/soccer and would like to join a team when he arrives.
Age/Age Range: newborn-2
Girl/Boy/Either: Boy
Any other requests: Can he be from Russia?
Nikki :)
Girl/Boy/Either: Boy
Any other requests: Can he be from Russia?
Nikki :)
Congratulations on your new son! He is a newborn from Russia! He has blue eyes and a little bit of blonde hair. He is a bit unsettled at times, but loves to be cuddled.
Age/Age range: Anything, especially babies or teens.
Girl/Boy/Either: Boy.
Any other requests: Nope.
My darling PP's...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Andrew, Faith, Angus, Lachlan, Emily, Morgan, Josie, Miles, Timmy, Elvin, August, Cartman, "The Brow", Janet and Louie.
Girl/Boy/Either: Boy.
Any other requests: Nope.
Congratulations on your new son! He is thirteen, with light brown hair and brown eyes. He is average height and build and a great athlete. He is very outgoing and friendly, and is looking forward to joining some local sports teams.
Archie William [Last Name]
My darling PP's...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Andrew, Faith, Angus, Lachlan, Emily, Morgan, Josie, Miles, Timmy, Elvin, August, Cartman, "The Brow", Janet and Louie.
Age/Age range: newborn to 4
Girl/Boy/Either: Girl
Any other requests: preferably from France or Sweden
Girl/Boy/Either: Girl
Any other requests: preferably from France or Sweden
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is one year old and from France. She has blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Her family mostly spoke French, but she does understand a little English. She is quiet, but loves dancing and watching TV.
Age/Age range: 2 - 10
Girl/Boy/Either: Girl
Any other requests: /
Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
-- Dale Carnegie
Girl/Boy/Either: Girl
Any other requests: /
Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
-- Dale Carnegie
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is 6 years old, with medium length brown hair and hazel eyes. She is a bit shy around new people but is very bright, and also very sweet. She loves to play school and dress-ups.
Age/Age range: 14-18
Girl/Boy/Either: girl
Any other requests: none
My dear !!!- Boys: Damian Kristjan, Brock Gardar, Johnathan Leif, Chase Thor, Adam Hallbjorn
Girls: Summer Jennine, Jaslyn Brynja, Scarlet Asdis, Arianna Bryndis, Evyn Svanhildur
Girl/Boy/Either: girl
Any other requests: none
My dear !!!- Boys: Damian Kristjan, Brock Gardar, Johnathan Leif, Chase Thor, Adam Hallbjorn
Girls: Summer Jennine, Jaslyn Brynja, Scarlet Asdis, Arianna Bryndis, Evyn Svanhildur
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is 15 years old, tall for her age and slim. She has long blonde hair, and green eyes. She is very charismatic and makes friends easily. She loves singing and dancing, and would like to be a model.
Age/Age range: newborn - 2
Girl/Boy/Either: either
Any other requests: n/a
Girl/Boy/Either: either
Any other requests: n/a
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is a newborn, with a tiny bit of light brown hair, and blue eyes. She was 2 weeks premature, but her weight should catch up soon. She is placid- not much of a crier- and is happy to watch those around her for hours on end.
Congratulations on your new son. He is 8 years old, and very bright. He has light brown hair and hazel eyes and is of average height and build. He loves drawing and making plans. Maybe a future architect?
Age/Age range: newborn-5 yrs
Girl/Boy/Either: either, but at least one girl
Any other requests: can be special needs.
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site: http://geocities.com/torilimcadle/revolution
Pillar rocks!
I love my name, but I guess I sound like a stripper or an actress. Or maybe an actress playing a stripper... Or a cosmotologist by day and singer by night...
Girl/Boy/Either: either, but at least one girl
Any other requests: can be special needs.
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site: http://geocities.com/torilimcadle/revolution
Pillar rocks!
I love my name, but I guess I sound like a stripper or an actress. Or maybe an actress playing a stripper... Or a cosmotologist by day and singer by night...
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is two years old, with curly brown hair and green eyes. She is a little thin for her age, but is of average height. She can be hyperactive at times, but is very sweet.
Tova Fifer
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site: http://geocities.com/torilimcadle/revolution
Pillar rocks!
I love my name, but I guess I sound like a stripper or an actress. Or maybe an actress playing a stripper... Or a cosmotologist by day and singer by night...
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site: http://geocities.com/torilimcadle/revolution
Pillar rocks!
I love my name, but I guess I sound like a stripper or an actress. Or maybe an actress playing a stripper... Or a cosmotologist by day and singer by night...
Congratulations on your new daughter! She is from USA, and is 6 months old. She has wispy blonde hair and blue eyes and is always smiling. She is very active and loves when people make silly faces at her.
Congratulations on your new son! He is six years old, small build, and has medium blonde hair and light brown eyes. He is very bright, but sometimes a little shy. He loves sports, and would like to get a puppy.
Emery Caspian Guy
Welcome Emery Caspian Guy Horvath!
He is welcomed by brothers Aubrey Maximilian Stewart(8) & Oscar Lucian Edward (6)
Oscar and Emery have decided that they are twins since Oscar is only a month older.
When Emery came home Oscar and Aubrey had a special surprise for him.. a brand new puppy dog called Conall! Emery was so excited!
Emery is playing soccer, Surfing and diving. We have also got him very interested in music and is learning the violin
Welcome Emery Caspian Guy Horvath!
He is welcomed by brothers Aubrey Maximilian Stewart(8) & Oscar Lucian Edward (6)
Oscar and Emery have decided that they are twins since Oscar is only a month older.
When Emery came home Oscar and Aubrey had a special surprise for him.. a brand new puppy dog called Conall! Emery was so excited!
Emery is playing soccer, Surfing and diving. We have also got him very interested in music and is learning the violin