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[Surname] Arabic Surname Meaning: el-Akouri
I am considering using a certain surname in a story, and I'm aware that meaning in names can be important in Middle Eastern culture.My question is, what does the surname "el-Akouri" mean, and if a person versed in Arabic heard this name, where would they believe this person likely to be from?
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Just from this site, it may be related to:, I'd doubt it was offensive
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Thank you for looking. :-)Since I posted this, I found another likely tie, to the Lebanese last name Kouri/Khoury...which means "Christian priest". I REALLY hope that's what it means, because it would fit my story character to a T. :-)
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Don't forget the similarities ..."Christian priest" with the word "charity"'s amazing how names get started ...good luck!
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Yeah, either that's related or it's a VERY cool coincidence. Either way, it sounds like a description of the character I'm working with. ;-)And thank you again!
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