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[Facts] Re: Satanic baby names and satanic surnames
How about Saribous???? It means gate keeper of hell(hell's gate keeper was a three headed female dog). I named one of my pets that, and she turned out very.....interesting...*evil laugh*
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how bout tito asslick the 3rd
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hello men i would to join satanic cultures but who can i join plz write to me and tell me more about that
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I know that the Greek god Hades of Hades had a three headed dog named Cerberus which is the corret spelling of it. He garded the gates of Hades (Greek Hell) and would distroy any of the dead who tried to return to land of the living and the same for the ones who were not dead that would try to enter Hades. Cerberus was a male and he had 2 siblings 1 was a three headed creature that was a lion, a goat and a dragon. The other was a 7 or 9 headed dragon I'm sure you can find their names on the enternet along with the parents of hte Greekmythology creatures. Cerberus is pronounced SUR brs.
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What does Asoka, Moriagan, Akuji, and Incubus mean? i was looking up baby names and none of these are in the books someone help!!
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Hoover thisinfernal felicitations ---how bout ~Melek Taus~---or---~Leviathan~---nefarious farewell---
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the gate keeper if hell isnt saribous its cerberus bet u were right about the 3 headed dog thing
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Nothing better than the greek legend of Saribous
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i like the name saribous i think its pretty cool, i might name my kid that :D when i have one with a fit shagrath looking kinda guy
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