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[Facts] character name- final list
OK, I narrowed it down to these names for the character name I need (Alex and Claire's daughter- see in post "Character Name?"). Please, tell me which one you like best and give me some middle name suggestions...Megan
Lillie (it could be a nickname for Lillian)
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I like:Daisy: I suggest Daisy Sue.
Elizabeth: I suggest Elizabeth Hope.
Lillie (it could be a nickname for Lillian): I suggest Lillian Beth. You can also try Lillith.
Charlotte: I suggest Charlotte Marie. Lottie can be a cute nickname.
Ellie: I like it, if used as a nickname for Eleanor.
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what do you think about the nickname Ellie for Elizabeth? I love the niddle name Hope.
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Ellie could work for Elizabeth.
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I like Lilly the best
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thanx- do you have middle name ideas for it? :-)
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I like Lilly Mae/May or Lilly Kathrine
Do u Like the name Belle? I think its cute
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I adore the name Belle. :-)
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here are some middle names Belle Marie Belle Elizabeth Belle Claire
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