[Opinions] Skylar
It's not my usual style, but lately I've been just loving the name Skylar. It's totally unheard of where I live, so I don't know what people would think of it (though I'm hope its being unheard of, would also stop it dating). Anyway, WDYT of these combos?
Skylar Nicolas / Nicholas
Skylar Connell
Skylar Stephan (STEFF-an - does the alliteration bother you?)
Skylar Gabriel
Skylar Dallán (DAL-awn)
Skylar Caterina
Skylar Madoline (MA-duh-lyne)
Skylar Georgiana
Skylar Helena (he-LAYN-uh)
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true."
Skylar Nicolas / Nicholas
Skylar Connell
Skylar Stephan (STEFF-an - does the alliteration bother you?)
Skylar Gabriel
Skylar Dallán (DAL-awn)
Skylar Caterina
Skylar Madoline (MA-duh-lyne)
Skylar Georgiana
Skylar Helena (he-LAYN-uh)
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true."
This message was edited 4/4/2005, 5:41 AM
Is it really "heard of" anywhere?
Skylar Nicolas / Nicholas -okay and I prefer Nicholas.
Skylar Connell -hmmm...something isn't flowing when I say it.
Skylar Stephan -I like it. I prefer Stefan on the middle name spelling, but I like it. I like alliteration too. :)
Skylar Gabriel -woohoo...two not used names! I love it!
Skylar Dallán (DAL-awn) -okay, but something about it reminds me of what I thought with Connell.
Note: I prefer Skylar on a boy, and if it must be on a girl, I prefer the Skyler spelling as it looks more feminine, imo.
Skylar Caterina -okay, but I prefer Skylar Catherine.
Skylar Madoline -like
Skylar Georgiana -nms
Skylar Helena -like, also would like it with Elena (eh-LAYN-ah)
I vote Skylar Gabriel or Skylar Stephan. :)

"You may feel self conscious...or not like the way you look, but it's just a girl moment. You're beautiful because there is no one like you. -You're unique!"-Kelly Clarkson
Skylar Nicolas / Nicholas -okay and I prefer Nicholas.
Skylar Connell -hmmm...something isn't flowing when I say it.
Skylar Stephan -I like it. I prefer Stefan on the middle name spelling, but I like it. I like alliteration too. :)
Skylar Gabriel -woohoo...two not used names! I love it!
Skylar Dallán (DAL-awn) -okay, but something about it reminds me of what I thought with Connell.
Note: I prefer Skylar on a boy, and if it must be on a girl, I prefer the Skyler spelling as it looks more feminine, imo.
Skylar Caterina -okay, but I prefer Skylar Catherine.
Skylar Madoline -like
Skylar Georgiana -nms
Skylar Helena -like, also would like it with Elena (eh-LAYN-ah)
I vote Skylar Gabriel or Skylar Stephan. :)

"You may feel self conscious...or not like the way you look, but it's just a girl moment. You're beautiful because there is no one like you. -You're unique!"-Kelly Clarkson
This message was edited 4/4/2005, 12:57 PM
I imagined it was "heard" of in the States - "heard of" as in a recognised name - since it's in the mid-100s for popularity, alongside Ashlyn and Caitlin and other familiar names.
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true."
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true."
I'm iffy on this name. I kinda like it, but my brother Luke has a friend named this so I always picture a chubby redheaded boy. LOL! :)
Chelsea Nicole (94 days til my 21st birthday!)
Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (14)!
Go Cubs! Especially my "boyfriend" Mark Prior. Get better soon!
Chelsea Nicole (94 days til my 21st birthday!)
Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (14)!
Go Cubs! Especially my "boyfriend" Mark Prior. Get better soon!
This message was edited 4/4/2005, 10:55 AM
I dislike the name Skylar for a boy or a girl. It's very trendy, and it's not masculine or feminine, so I can't even decide which gender I prefer it for. I do know that I prefer the spelling Skylar for a girl and Skyler for a boy. I think it will be terribly dated, if that sort of thing bothers you. Furthermore, it's too close to the word skylark. It just doesn't feel like a name to me, perhaps because of the predominant Sky- element. Also, I can't see an adult-woman named Skylar, or an adult-man named Skyler.
From your middle names, I like:
Georgiana (I prefer the spelling Georgianna)
Helena (I prefer the pronunciation Hell-EE-nuh)
Sorry, but I don't think any of your combos flow.
Edit: Added a comment.
-Lissa Hannah-
!, !, !, !, !, !, !, !, !, ! = Kipling, Barry, Mortimer, Miles, Marmaduke, Maris, Blanche, Gladys, Arlette, and Glenda
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Minna, Doris, Shirley, and Cordelia
From your middle names, I like:
Georgiana (I prefer the spelling Georgianna)
Helena (I prefer the pronunciation Hell-EE-nuh)
Sorry, but I don't think any of your combos flow.
Edit: Added a comment.
-Lissa Hannah-
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Minna, Doris, Shirley, and Cordelia
This message was edited 4/4/2005, 9:33 AM
Schuyler is a Dutch surname and is tasteful (as a fn or mn) only if from your own family tree. I dislike unisex names anyway, so none of these appeal to me.
Skylar is a semi-favorite of mine. As with most unisex names, I tend to prefer it on a boy (since it does derve from a Dutch male name). My favorite combo for a boy from your list would be Skylar Gabriel. Even though Skylar is NMS for a girl, the best combo from the girl's list would be Skylar Caterina.
It sounds ridiculously twee to me, personally--and where I live, Skylar would blend in perfectly with the Aidan-Jayden-Caden crowd.
Skylar Nicolas / Nicholas~ I prefer Skylar Nicholas, though I'm generally a no-H person. I don't like either name, and together, the R-N middle is a bit hard to say.
Skylar Connell~ I like Connell, I think, and it'd be neat with Skylar if they didn't both have K sounds in their beginnings.
Skylar Stephan~ I usually like alliteration, but the S's are too close together and the names have identical rhythms--it's hard to say and doesn't sound nice to me.
Skylar Gabriel~ This is probably my favourite--it's the only one that isn't completely trochaic (SKY-lar STEPH-an and all). It's also easier to say.
Skylar Dallán~ This suffers from many of the same problems as Skylar Connell. Great middle name that makes the combo sound repetitive with Skylar.
Skylar Caterina~ Too many K sounds too close together make Array an unhappy girl. I like Caterina (much prefer Katerina), but with Skylar, the combo is harsh-sounding.
Skylar Madoline~ This spelling of Madeline hurts my head a bit, but it's the middle name and thus it doesn't matter. Since Madeline's been so popular as of late, the combo sounds really trendy to me, but it has the best flow thus far.
Skylar Nicolas / Nicholas~ I prefer Skylar Nicholas, though I'm generally a no-H person. I don't like either name, and together, the R-N middle is a bit hard to say.
Skylar Connell~ I like Connell, I think, and it'd be neat with Skylar if they didn't both have K sounds in their beginnings.
Skylar Stephan~ I usually like alliteration, but the S's are too close together and the names have identical rhythms--it's hard to say and doesn't sound nice to me.
Skylar Gabriel~ This is probably my favourite--it's the only one that isn't completely trochaic (SKY-lar STEPH-an and all). It's also easier to say.
Skylar Dallán~ This suffers from many of the same problems as Skylar Connell. Great middle name that makes the combo sound repetitive with Skylar.
Skylar Caterina~ Too many K sounds too close together make Array an unhappy girl. I like Caterina (much prefer Katerina), but with Skylar, the combo is harsh-sounding.
Skylar Madoline~ This spelling of Madeline hurts my head a bit, but it's the middle name and thus it doesn't matter. Since Madeline's been so popular as of late, the combo sounds really trendy to me, but it has the best flow thus far.
I hate Skylar on a girl, and I always find it ugly. But anyway...
Skylar Nicolas / Nicholas nice
Skylar Connell ok
Skylar Stephan ok
Skylar Gabriel ok
Skylar Dallán too weird
Skylar Caterina ok
Skylar Madoline Madoline is misspellt to me, should be Madeline / Madeleine (Madoline would be mad-oh-leen to me)
Skylar Georgiana Georgiana is very cute and feminine, it doesn't go with Skylar
Skylar Helena nice
~~ Claire ~~
Skylar Nicolas / Nicholas nice
Skylar Connell ok
Skylar Stephan ok
Skylar Gabriel ok
Skylar Dallán too weird
Skylar Caterina ok
Skylar Madoline Madoline is misspellt to me, should be Madeline / Madeleine (Madoline would be mad-oh-leen to me)
Skylar Georgiana Georgiana is very cute and feminine, it doesn't go with Skylar
Skylar Helena nice
~~ Claire ~~