[Games] Question CAF
Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Brown: fn begins with the letters BR / mn your choice.
-Red: fn has same number of letters as yours / mn begins with R.
-Black: fn begins with B / mn means "pale" or "white."
-Blonde: fn has same or similar meaning as yours, if you can't find one fn begins with N / mn means "tree"
What is the temperature where you are?
-40 or below: fn is winter related / mn ends in Y.
-60 or below: fn is a variant of yours, or has similar meaning (or even just begins with the same letter) / mn means joy
-80 or below: fn has flower meaning / mn has six letters
-90 or above: fn begins in H / mn's last syllable begins with T
Which do you prefer?
-Watermelons: DD, name your favorite girl combo
-Grapes: DS, name your favorite boy combo
-Oranges: DD, fn begins with least favorite letter / mn what you'd give your own daughter.
-Bananas: DS, fn something you wouldn't actually use / mn something you consider unusual.
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Spikey, messy: fns begin with same letter / mns end in same letter
-Average, neat: fns have similar meanings / mns are your choice
Favorite season?
-Spring: hippy-like names.
-Summer: classical names.
-Fall: trendy names.
-Winter: mythology names.
Prefered career choice from these?
-Novelist: DS fn after favorite male writer and mn favorite male book character / DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
-Actor/actress: DS fn after favorite actor and mn ending in R / DD fn after favorite actress and mn ending in S.
Your name begins with...
Names your choice.
"If you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot long than you'd like." - Garden State
Loving mom to 18 PPs -- see profile for names.
Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Brown: fn begins with the letters BR / mn your choice.
-Red: fn has same number of letters as yours / mn begins with R.
-Black: fn begins with B / mn means "pale" or "white."
-Blonde: fn has same or similar meaning as yours, if you can't find one fn begins with N / mn means "tree"
What is the temperature where you are?
-40 or below: fn is winter related / mn ends in Y.
-60 or below: fn is a variant of yours, or has similar meaning (or even just begins with the same letter) / mn means joy
-80 or below: fn has flower meaning / mn has six letters
-90 or above: fn begins in H / mn's last syllable begins with T
Which do you prefer?
-Watermelons: DD, name your favorite girl combo
-Grapes: DS, name your favorite boy combo
-Oranges: DD, fn begins with least favorite letter / mn what you'd give your own daughter.
-Bananas: DS, fn something you wouldn't actually use / mn something you consider unusual.
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Spikey, messy: fns begin with same letter / mns end in same letter
-Average, neat: fns have similar meanings / mns are your choice
Favorite season?
-Spring: hippy-like names.
-Summer: classical names.
-Fall: trendy names.
-Winter: mythology names.
Prefered career choice from these?
-Novelist: DS fn after favorite male writer and mn favorite male book character / DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
-Actor/actress: DS fn after favorite actor and mn ending in R / DD fn after favorite actress and mn ending in S.
Your name begins with...
Names your choice.
"If you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot long than you'd like." - Garden State
Loving mom to 18 PPs -- see profile for names.
DH: Dexter Roland
Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Red: fn has same number of letters as yours / mn begins with R.
DW: Rhosyn Helena
What is the temperature where you are?
-80 or below: fn has flower meaning / mn has six letters
DD: Quanna Shalom
Which do you prefer?
-Oranges: DD, fn begins with least favorite letter / mn what you'd give your own daughter.
DS/DS/DS: Jackson Leander // Jeremiah Asher // Jadon Oliver
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-messy: fns begin with same letter / mns end in same letter
DD: Valkyrie Aella
Favorite season?
-Winter: mythology names.
DS/DD: Lewis Peter // Jane Elizabeth
Prefered career choice from these?
-Novelist: DS fn after favorite male writer and mn favorite male book character / DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
DS: Wade Ryan
Your name begins with...
A-M: DS. Names your choice.
Dexter and Rhosyn; Quanna, Jack, Jeremiah, Jadon, Val, Lewis, Jane, Wade
Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Red: fn has same number of letters as yours / mn begins with R.
DW: Rhosyn Helena
What is the temperature where you are?
-80 or below: fn has flower meaning / mn has six letters
DD: Quanna Shalom
Which do you prefer?
-Oranges: DD, fn begins with least favorite letter / mn what you'd give your own daughter.
DS/DS/DS: Jackson Leander // Jeremiah Asher // Jadon Oliver
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-messy: fns begin with same letter / mns end in same letter
DD: Valkyrie Aella
Favorite season?
-Winter: mythology names.
DS/DD: Lewis Peter // Jane Elizabeth
Prefered career choice from these?
-Novelist: DS fn after favorite male writer and mn favorite male book character / DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
DS: Wade Ryan
Your name begins with...
A-M: DS. Names your choice.
Dexter and Rhosyn; Quanna, Jack, Jeremiah, Jadon, Val, Lewis, Jane, Wade
Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Brown: fn begins with the letters BR / mn your choice.
Brian Wilfred
What is the temperature where you are?
-60 or below: fn is a variant of yours, or has similar meaning (or even just begins with the same letter) / mn means joy
Evita Letitia
Which do you prefer?
-Watermelons: DD, name your favorite girl combo
Eleanora Bryony 'Ella'
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Spikey, messy: fns begin with same letter / mns end in same letter
Fredrick Edwin 'Ricky', Francis Benjamin 'Frankie' & Faramond Simeon 'Farry'
Favorite season?
-Summer: classical names.
Emilia Ruth 'Emie'
Prefered career choice from these?
-Novelist: DS fn after favorite male writer and mn favorite male book character / DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
Charles Harry 'Charlie' & Philippa Josephine 'Pippa'
Your name begins with...
Names your choice.
Robert Alberic 'Robby'
DH: Brian Wilfred
DW: Evita Letitia
DD: Eleanora Bryony 'Ella'
DS/DS/DS: Fredrick Edwin 'Ricky', Francis Benjamin 'Frankie' & Faramond Simeon 'Farry'
Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Brown: fn begins with the letters BR / mn your choice.
Brian Wilfred
What is the temperature where you are?
-60 or below: fn is a variant of yours, or has similar meaning (or even just begins with the same letter) / mn means joy
Evita Letitia
Which do you prefer?
-Watermelons: DD, name your favorite girl combo
Eleanora Bryony 'Ella'
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Spikey, messy: fns begin with same letter / mns end in same letter
Fredrick Edwin 'Ricky', Francis Benjamin 'Frankie' & Faramond Simeon 'Farry'
Favorite season?
-Summer: classical names.
Emilia Ruth 'Emie'
Prefered career choice from these?
-Novelist: DS fn after favorite male writer and mn favorite male book character / DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
Charles Harry 'Charlie' & Philippa Josephine 'Pippa'
Your name begins with...
Names your choice.
Robert Alberic 'Robby'
DH: Brian Wilfred
DW: Evita Letitia
DD: Eleanora Bryony 'Ella'
DS/DS/DS: Fredrick Edwin 'Ricky', Francis Benjamin 'Frankie' & Faramond Simeon 'Farry'
DH: Bartholomew Fionn
Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Black: fn begins with B / mn means "pale" or "white."
DW: Harriet Christine
What is the temperature where you are?
-90 or above: fn begins in H / mn's last syllable begins with T
DD: Bianca Margo
Which do you prefer?
-Oranges: DD, fn begins with least favorite letter / mn what you'd give your own daughter.
DS/DS/DS: Aubrey Thomas / Elric Geoffrey / Oliver Andrew
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Average, neat: fns have similar meanings / mns are your choice
DD: Thalia Io
Favorite season?
-Winter: mythology names.
DS/DD: Dominic Oscar / Milla Dolores
Prefered career choice from these?
-Actor/actress: DS fn after favorite actor and mn ending in R / DD fn after favorite actress and mn ending in S.
DS: Thaddeus Edward
Your name begins with...
Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Black: fn begins with B / mn means "pale" or "white."
DW: Harriet Christine
What is the temperature where you are?
-90 or above: fn begins in H / mn's last syllable begins with T
DD: Bianca Margo
Which do you prefer?
-Oranges: DD, fn begins with least favorite letter / mn what you'd give your own daughter.
DS/DS/DS: Aubrey Thomas / Elric Geoffrey / Oliver Andrew
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Average, neat: fns have similar meanings / mns are your choice
DD: Thalia Io
Favorite season?
-Winter: mythology names.
DS/DD: Dominic Oscar / Milla Dolores
Prefered career choice from these?
-Actor/actress: DS fn after favorite actor and mn ending in R / DD fn after favorite actress and mn ending in S.
DS: Thaddeus Edward
Your name begins with...
DH: Stafford Oliver
Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Blonde: fn has same or similar meaning as yours, if you can't find one fn begins with N / mn means "tree"
DW: Blossom Isobel
What is the temperature where you are?
-80 or below: fn has flower meaning / mn has six letters
DC: Blaze Cohen
Which do you prefer?
-Bananas: DS, fn something you wouldn't actually use / mn something you consider unusual.
DS/DS/DS: Wyatt Samuel / Kendrick Logan / Baldwin Jack
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Average, neat: fns have similar meanings / mns are your choice
DD: Elizabeth Caroline "Bess"
Favorite season?
-Summer: classical names.
DS/DD: Nicholas Edward "Nicky" / Mary Emma
Prefered career choice from these?
-Novelist: DS fn after favorite male writer and mn favorite male book character / DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
DC: Joseph Pacey
Your name begins with...
Stafford and Blossom
Blaze, Wyatt, Kendrick, Baldwin, Bess, Nicky, Mary, and Joseph
Chelsea Nicole (93 days til my 21st birthday!)
Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (14)!
Go Cubs! Especially my "boyfriend" Mark Prior. Get better soon!
Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Blonde: fn has same or similar meaning as yours, if you can't find one fn begins with N / mn means "tree"
DW: Blossom Isobel
What is the temperature where you are?
-80 or below: fn has flower meaning / mn has six letters
DC: Blaze Cohen
Which do you prefer?
-Bananas: DS, fn something you wouldn't actually use / mn something you consider unusual.
DS/DS/DS: Wyatt Samuel / Kendrick Logan / Baldwin Jack
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Average, neat: fns have similar meanings / mns are your choice
DD: Elizabeth Caroline "Bess"
Favorite season?
-Summer: classical names.
DS/DD: Nicholas Edward "Nicky" / Mary Emma
Prefered career choice from these?
-Novelist: DS fn after favorite male writer and mn favorite male book character / DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
DC: Joseph Pacey
Your name begins with...
Stafford and Blossom
Blaze, Wyatt, Kendrick, Baldwin, Bess, Nicky, Mary, and Joseph
Chelsea Nicole (93 days til my 21st birthday!)
Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (14)!
Go Cubs! Especially my "boyfriend" Mark Prior. Get better soon!
DH: Bram Horatio
DW: Marigold Aglaia
DD: Quintessa Elenore
DS/DS/DS: Laurence Bertram, Lionel Abram, Leonard Guntram
DD: Silent Starshine
DS/DD: Scott Friedrich, Joan Karana (Scott O'Dell, Friedrich Bhaer of the March family saga, Joan Aiken, and Karana of Island of the Blue Dolphins--though these are liable to change on a whim)
DS: Clarence Robert
Bram, Goldie, Tessie, Laurie, Lio, Len, Silent, Scottie, Joni, and Clare
DW: Marigold Aglaia
DD: Quintessa Elenore
DS/DS/DS: Laurence Bertram, Lionel Abram, Leonard Guntram
DD: Silent Starshine
DS/DD: Scott Friedrich, Joan Karana (Scott O'Dell, Friedrich Bhaer of the March family saga, Joan Aiken, and Karana of Island of the Blue Dolphins--though these are liable to change on a whim)
DS: Clarence Robert
Bram, Goldie, Tessie, Laurie, Lio, Len, Silent, Scottie, Joni, and Clare
DH: Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Red: fn has same number of letters as yours / mn begins with R.
DW: What is the temperature where you are?
-40 or below: fn is winter related / mn ends in Y.
DC: Which do you prefer?
-Grapes: DS, name your favorite boy combo
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Spikey, messy: fns begin with same letter / mns end in same letter
DD: Favorite season?
-Summer: classical names.
DS/DD: Prefered career choice from these?
-Novelist: DS fn after favorite male writer and mn favorite male book character / DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
DC: Your name begins with...
Names your choice.
DH: Matthew Rowan
DW: Gwyneira Lucy
DS: Thomas Julian
DS/DS/DS: Adam Daniel / Andrew Gabriel / Alexander Joel
DD: Camilla Guinevere
DS/DD: William Duncan / Celia Kiriel
DS: James Benjamin
-Red: fn has same number of letters as yours / mn begins with R.
DW: What is the temperature where you are?
-40 or below: fn is winter related / mn ends in Y.
DC: Which do you prefer?
-Grapes: DS, name your favorite boy combo
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Spikey, messy: fns begin with same letter / mns end in same letter
DD: Favorite season?
-Summer: classical names.
DS/DD: Prefered career choice from these?
-Novelist: DS fn after favorite male writer and mn favorite male book character / DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
DC: Your name begins with...
Names your choice.
DH: Matthew Rowan
DW: Gwyneira Lucy
DS: Thomas Julian
DS/DS/DS: Adam Daniel / Andrew Gabriel / Alexander Joel
DD: Camilla Guinevere
DS/DD: William Duncan / Celia Kiriel
DS: James Benjamin
Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Red: fn has same number of letters as yours / mn begins with R.
Anthony Robert
What is the temperature where you are?
-80 or below: fn has flower meaning / mn has six letters
Bluma Isabel
Which do you prefer?
-Oranges: DD, fn begins with least favorite letter / mn what you'd give your own daughter.
Fiona Lily
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Average, neat: fns have similar meanings / mns are your choice
Erol Patrick / Kenderick Samuel / Wyatt Harrison
Favorite season?
-Winter: mythology names.
Artemis Echo
-Actor/actress: DS fn after favorite actor and mn ending in R / DD fn after favorite actress and mn ending in S.
Adrien Alexander & Judy Iris (Adrien Brody & Jusy Garland)
Your name begins with...
Daniel William
DH: Bruce Finnian
Black: fn begins with B / mn means "pale" or "white."
DW: Lily Helena
80 or below: fn has flower meaning / mn has six letters
DD: Sylvia Adelaide
Watermelons: DD, name your favorite girl combo
DS/DS/DS: Evander Dorian, Elijah Rowan, Ethan Jonathan
Spikey, messy: fns begin with same letter / mns end in same letter
DD: Willow Iris
Spring: hippy-like names.
DS/DD: Abraham "Bram" Nawat / Tanith Mina
Novelist: DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
DC: Charles Scott
"If you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot long than you'd like." - Garden State
Loving mom to 18 PPs -- see profile for names.
Black: fn begins with B / mn means "pale" or "white."
DW: Lily Helena
80 or below: fn has flower meaning / mn has six letters
DD: Sylvia Adelaide
Watermelons: DD, name your favorite girl combo
DS/DS/DS: Evander Dorian, Elijah Rowan, Ethan Jonathan
Spikey, messy: fns begin with same letter / mns end in same letter
DD: Willow Iris
Spring: hippy-like names.
DS/DD: Abraham "Bram" Nawat / Tanith Mina
Novelist: DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
DC: Charles Scott
"If you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot long than you'd like." - Garden State
Loving mom to 18 PPs -- see profile for names.
DH: Brock Alexander
DW: Blossom Sheila
DC: Jasper Michael
DS/DS/DS: Malcolm Jamison, Milo Finnian & Maddox Donovan
DD: Summer Willow
DS/DD: William Connor / Angelina Iris
(William Bradley Pitt and Angelina Jolie)
DC: Tristan Jude
~Lisa~ My !’s: Xenocrates, Atticus, Sterling, Cassius, Luna, Octavia & Calanthe.
DW: Blossom Sheila
DC: Jasper Michael
DS/DS/DS: Malcolm Jamison, Milo Finnian & Maddox Donovan
DD: Summer Willow
DS/DD: William Connor / Angelina Iris
(William Bradley Pitt and Angelina Jolie)
DC: Tristan Jude