[Opinions] Gwendolen / Gwendolyn
WDYT about Len as nn for Gwendolen? Is it too similar to Lynn? I actually don't like Lynn at all, but Len has been growing on me. And which do you prefer, Gwendolen or Gwendolyn? (GWEN-do-len; GWEN-do-lin). Do you like the name?
Do you like any of these nns?
Can you think of any others?
"If you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot long than you'd like." - Garden State
Do you like any of these nns?
Can you think of any others?
"If you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot long than you'd like." - Garden State
Hi there!
My name is Gwendolyn and everybody always calls me Lyn. I like my name. I like both variations, but I think if I had to choose, my favourite version would be Gwendolen. If you don't like Lynn/Lyn or a variation, there are others you could use. However, I'm not a fan of Len, it seems masculin to me...as if it's a nn for Leonard.
I like Gwenny (spellt like this) or Wendy a lot as nns for Gwendolen/Gwendolyn.
Thinking about it, maybe you could even get away with Dolly...
~Lully Lulla~
My name is Gwendolyn and everybody always calls me Lyn. I like my name. I like both variations, but I think if I had to choose, my favourite version would be Gwendolen. If you don't like Lynn/Lyn or a variation, there are others you could use. However, I'm not a fan of Len, it seems masculin to me...as if it's a nn for Leonard.
I like Gwenny (spellt like this) or Wendy a lot as nns for Gwendolen/Gwendolyn.
Thinking about it, maybe you could even get away with Dolly...
~Lully Lulla~
I don't like the nickname Len on a girl. I think it's brilliant as a nickname for Leonard or Lennon (or several others), but on a girl it sounds...weirdly masculine in a way I don't like.
My favourite nickname for Gwendolen (which I prefer, though I pronunce both Gwendolyn and Gwendolen the same way) is currently Gwendy. While it looks stupid written out, I like how it sounds.
Gwen and Gwennie are my lest favourites, after Len. Wendy is probably my favourite of your list. Gwendolen could also become a Wennie, a Winnie (like in The Wonder Years--Winnie Cooper was a Gwendolyn, IIRC), or a Dolly. I like all of those nicknames (particularly Winnie) a great deal, too.
My favourite nickname for Gwendolen (which I prefer, though I pronunce both Gwendolyn and Gwendolen the same way) is currently Gwendy. While it looks stupid written out, I like how it sounds.
Gwen and Gwennie are my lest favourites, after Len. Wendy is probably my favourite of your list. Gwendolen could also become a Wennie, a Winnie (like in The Wonder Years--Winnie Cooper was a Gwendolyn, IIRC), or a Dolly. I like all of those nicknames (particularly Winnie) a great deal, too.
I think Len, or Leni/Lennie, is a cute nn possibility for Gwendolen. I like both Gwendolen and Gwendolyn, and though I slightly prefer the former, I think the latter is the more 'accepted' form and so would be less likely to be misspelled, maybe.
I know of a little girl, and her name is either Gwendolyn or Gwyneth (not sure which), and her nn is Winnie (not sure of spelling). I think Winnie on "The Wonder Years" was also a Gwendolyn, and I like it as a nn, along with Gwen or Len/Leni (not a Wendy fan, though). But then there's the Winnie the Pooh association, though not a horrible one, it may bother her as she gets older. LOL. Also, I read a book with a character named Gwendolyn who went by Gwendy. I'm not crazy about it, but it's yet another possibility. :)
I know of a little girl, and her name is either Gwendolyn or Gwyneth (not sure which), and her nn is Winnie (not sure of spelling). I think Winnie on "The Wonder Years" was also a Gwendolyn, and I like it as a nn, along with Gwen or Len/Leni (not a Wendy fan, though). But then there's the Winnie the Pooh association, though not a horrible one, it may bother her as she gets older. LOL. Also, I read a book with a character named Gwendolyn who went by Gwendy. I'm not crazy about it, but it's yet another possibility. :)
I don't like the name Lynn at all either, but Len is kind of cute, I prefer the nns Wendy and Gwen though. I really like the name Gwendolyn, it's beautiful, I actually prefer the spelling Gwendolen because it's the original Welsh spelling, but if I ever used the name I'd spell it Gwendolyn for family namesake purposes.

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