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[Facts] i cant think of a good title
so I just watched King Arthur, the new one, and pathetic me enjoyed the names more than the movie, I ran to the website to find out all their meanings... anyways, these are the ones that were not on here:Bors - my thought, from Boris, "short" or "wolf"... lets hope wolf
Dragonet - from the slavic 'dorogo' meaning precious?
Cerdic - oddly, this name is found in the deffinition of Cedric, but has no page of it's unknown, it appears to be of unknown meaning - why is it unlikley from the Welsh 'Cedrych' as the similarity is uncanny
Cynric - likely Kendrick, from 'Ceneric', 'Cyneric' or 'Cynwrig', obviously the middle one bares the most resemblance
Jois - from Jodoc meaning 'lord'? - see Joyce
Hortens - from the Roman family name Hortensius, "garden"
Germanius - Roman form of Germanus - see German
Fulciana (f) - a derivitice of Feliciana? - see Felix
Lucan - from Lucianus? - see Lucius
Ganis - from Janus?
Woad - wade?All the above names are masculine, except Fulciana which is mentioned. I am guessing at all of their meanings, but some are clear, like Hortens and Germanius.
Curious as to your thoughts.Thanks!
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For the recordI looked up Arthurian legend, and Bors and Dragonet were actual knights of Arthur's assuming he existed. So these weren't names for the movie.
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i'm also at a loss for a title name... minteresting - but I can't really help you out on any confirmations. I can see how you got to your conclusions though. So that's a good thing, yeah?! :o)
NaiMy !s Jesse, Ruairi, 'Patch', Taran, David, Takeshi, Damian, Leo, Brynn, Milo, Doran, Arthur, 'Rusty', 'Maddy', 'Josie', Clare, Sue, Carys, Tamika, Keiko, Akiko, Kate, Alessandra, Olwen, Greer & 'Annie'.
My ?s twins Talbot & Tamsin.
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links and a little moreWoad - Wade
Dragonet - see DraganMost of the names appear to be from a Eastern European reigion, perhaps close to Russia.
Some of names are meant to be Roman, specifically Hortens, Fulciana, Germanius - which would fit with their origins.
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