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[Facts] names
I found your comments to be very rude and uncalled for. A simple "I don't care for them" would have been fine. THESE are the reasons behind the names:1) I actually prefer Jordan to Jordyn, but my DH likes it better this way. Also seeing the name Jordan, a person would think "boy." And how on earth does adding a "Y" constitute "trailer" ??2) Just so you know "Mackenzie" is going to be called by her mn because of a family tradition on my DH's side of the family. Many people go by their mns, nothing is wrong with that.3) Mac- does mean "son of..." but obviously, I don't care seeing as my first daughter will be named Mackenzie. PLUS... where I come from, naming your child Mackenzie now would be about the same as naming him Natalie.4) How is it irresponsible to have 6 kids, unless you are from China? I want a large family, and I am free to do so. THAT comment was just completely stupid.
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I only just now checked Daividh's original posting to you, and I agree with others here -- Daividh was not rude to you.Btw, is "Natalie" really a boy's name where you come from? LOL! Or were you just so worked up and enraged over encountering an intelligent individual with a differing opinion and a bit of wit in expressing that opinion, that you didn't even realize what you were writing, as well as how ridiculously defensive you sounded in response?You made a fool of yourself, Tiffany.-- Nanaea
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I went back and read Daividh's post to check that he hadn't got up on the wrong side of the bed, but couldn't find anything rude about it...just an honestly expressed opinion on the names (you did ask). And sure, it is your choice to have a big family, but he isn't alone in his opinion that the world's population doesn't need a threefold increase.
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Hey Tiffany,I'm still looking for the "rude" in my response. Can't find it so far. Opinionated? Yep. Obnoxious? Maybe. Rude? Not that time.You asked what we think of those names and I gave you several specific comments relating to irregular spelling, name placement, plus a little editorializing (my opinion, take it/leave it) on inappropriate name gender and overpopulation.Didn't you happen to notice my comment, "Other than that, the names are fine"? Obviously not. If you have unstated "reasons" you're highly sensitive about as to why these names are special to you, fine. Go ahead and use the names, joyously, but don't ask what people think about them on this site unless you can tolerate an occasional difference of opinion. Thin skins don't last long around here.- Daividh
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i think some of her comments were a bit strange, but there was anouther girl on here, Meghan. She was wondering what her name means!!!!!! ergghhhhhhh......... just had to get that of my chest.but the board is about names, not opionions on "how irresponsible is it to have 6 kids". i want 5 because i want a big family. maybe the woman that wants 6 wants a big family too.but it isn't right to post about do give good insight on names, too. so don't go away just because a few people chewed you out!!!!!!!
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Poor Daividh.... he actually provides a helpful, honest answer to a baby name question (which does not belong on this board -- it should have been posted at and he gets chewed out for it.
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I'm writing to let you know that I also found D's comments rude and offensive. I have to admit that I wasn't particularly struck by the names that you had chosen but I loved the reasons you gave for choosing them. Family names are wonderful to give a child a real sence of belonging and anything positive and life affirming is great in my book!!I'm Scottish and chose Strong Scottish family names for my two boys; Alexander Gregor and Cameron Angus. I don't expect that everyone would agree with me that they are wonderful but my family are happy with them. Tiffany, stick to your guns and if you like something, go for it! And if you want a big family I hope you are blessed. Children are a gift so don't let others upset you.Wishing you happiness Kay x
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Oooo, Daividh! You make me so MAD!I'm so mad right now that I just had to do this special posting to TELL YOU OFF! You are very, very rude and obnoxious and irreverent!And your friends are just as bad for encouraging you by rolling all over this message board laughing at people like me!Why can't we all just get along?1) I actually prefer Jordan to Jordyn, but my DH (that stands for DEAR HUSBAND -- not Dental Hygenist) likes it better this way. Also seeing the name Jordan, a person would think "boy.", although I will admit that perhaps more literate people might associate the name with the river Jordan, the Christian River Styx of scriptual reference, and the expression "crossing the Jordan", which symbolises dying and death. And how on earth does adding a "Y" constitute "trailer" ?? If anything, it makes the name appear less morbid and more life-affirming!!!!2) Just so you know "Mackenzie" is going to be called by her mn (that stands for "middle name" -- not Minnesota) because of a family tradition on my DH's (this time I *am* talking about my Dental Hygenist) side of the family. Many people go by their mns, nothing is wrong with that.3) Mac- does mean "son of..." but obviously, I don't care seeing as my first daughter will be named Mackenzie, after the famous crackhead, Mackenzie Phillips, who first brought that name to public awareness and popularity in the 70s. PLUS... where I come from, naming your child Mackenzie now would be about the same as naming him Natalie. [Editor's comment: "Him"?] Also, where I come from, getting your baby tattoo'ed is not at all considered unusual, either.4) How is it irresponsible to have 6 kids, unless you are from China? I want a large family, and I am free to do so. THAT comment was just completely stupid. I don't even like Chinese food!!!!Just what is your problem, Daividh??? You've just completely RUINED my day today!I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!
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ALSO, what the heck is up your butt?! You other comments to people posts are just as rude. If you don't like something, no one is forcing you to respond.
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