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[Facts] Peggy a nickname for Margaret, Why is
MaRGaRiTe and MaRGaLiTE both mean "pearl".Margaric acid C17H34O2 from Gk margar(on) = pearl has
pearlescent crystals. It is a precursor of margarine.I think there is a strong connection between pearl and
its ivory color. Aha.MaRe = sea + Greek GaLiTe = "milky white", hence ivory (color)Now, compare (mar)GaLiTe andGalatea (gal uh tee'uh) n.
the woman brought to life by Aphrodite from the ivory statue
carved by Pygmalion.Pygmalion (pig may'lee uhn, -mayl'yuhn) n.
(in classical myth) a sculptor who fell in love with Galatea,
the ivory statue of a woman that he had carved.Compare Pinnochio (another carving brought to life) and
Hebrew P'NiNaH = pearl.So, maybe,
Margaret/MarGaLiTe --> GaLiTe --> PyGmalion -->
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Wow! This is more complicated than deriving Daisy from Marguerite ... nice try but, I think, no cee-gar. Margaret also gives you Meg as a nickname, and most nicknames come from the siblings of the nicknamed - especially if the name is long and complicated for infant mouths. All those Elizabeths who turn into Betty, Libby etc! And little kids are alas well known for getting colds, nasal congestion etc, which would give you Peg from Meg with no difficulty at all. Same, I think, with Polly from Mary, Bill from William and Bob from Robert, as I seem to be saying on this board rather frequently. But I did enjoy your reasoning!
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Excellent reverse engineering Izzy, but I wouldnt bet money on it
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PS: I think you might appreciate the fact that.......according to the Anagram Oracle,
Israel Cohen
Ariel Chosen
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