[Games] Elimination CAF part 4 (1920s)
LN: Webster
DH: Charles Joseph "Charley"
DW: Mary Anna Hodges
DD/DD/DD: Marie Martha / Catherine Gloria "Cate" / Grace Rita
DS: ?First name: Harold, Henry, Jack, Paul, Raymond, WalterMiddle name: Albert, Arthur, David, Harry, Kenneth, RalphThe last poster may choose a nickname if they would like.

Chelsea Nicole (71 days til my 21st birthday!)Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (14)!Go Cubs! Especially my "boyfriend" Mark Prior. Yay, he's back and 3-0!Greenlee (talking about Ethan): Remind me to poke out those eyes. I'll have to get on a chair.
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Removing: Walter Albertfirst name: Harold, Henry, Jack, Paul, Raymondmiddle name: Arthur, David, Harry, Kenneth, Ralph~Lully Lulla~
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Taking Harold David
first name: Henry, Jack, Paul, Raymondmiddle name: Arthur, Harry, Kenneth, Ralph
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Taking Jack Kennethfirst name: Henry, Paul, Raymondmiddle name: Arthur, Harry, Ralph
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Taking Raymond Harryfirst name: Henry, Paulmiddle name: Arthur, Ralph
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WinnerTkaing Paul Ralph leavingHenry Arthur as the winner!!
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