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[Opinions] Shameful Birth Announcements
Mony'q Jandera
Nikolis Xavier
Meika NevaehHow very kre8tiv (translation=yuck!). WDYT?
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Mony'q Jandera = ick. Why not Monique instead? Or if they just had to spell it differently, at least why not Monyque? But even that looks awful. Not as bad as Mony'q though.Nikolis Xavier - This is a nice combo, but I'm not wild about the spelling. Nikolis is a real Greek name and also a Yugoslavian one (it might be only used as a surname though). I'm not really sure. Meika Nevaeh - I like Nevaeh if it's pronounced Ne-VAY-uh, but the spelling is rather odd. I think it sounds pretty though. I'm not crazy about Meika, Mika, etc. but it's not a horrible name. Meika Nevaeh seems too sing-songy.
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The names are horribly spelt imo. The only name I like is Nikolis but spelled Nicholas. The others are nmsaa...
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:::massaging eyes after looking at such a mess:::How that angers me! Argh!
-Lissa Hannah-
My twelve !'s = Kipling, Barry, Mortimer, Miles, Marmaduke, Fletcher, Maris, Blanche, Gladys, Arlette, Glenda, and JuniperMy ten ?'s = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Bernard, Minna, Doris, Shirley, Cordelia, and Gertrude
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How about El'Lisa-Beth! (Elisabeth, I assume)
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there is no end to the madness!
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