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[Opinions] Re: Lena
in reply to a message by Trina
I don't think formal name decisions should revolve around a nickname. If the child doesn't want the nickname, then you may have just settled for a formal name. I don't care for Lena, but I guess it would work as a formal name. It doesn't have a strong nickname feel to it. If I had to choose a formal name for it, then I'd choose Helena.

-Lissa Hannah-
My !'s = Kipling, Barry, Mortimer, Miles, Marmaduke, Fletcher, Hiram, Maris, Blanche, Gladys, Arlette, Glenda, Juniper, LuluMy ?'s = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Bernard, Minna, Doris, Shirley, Cordelia, Gertrude
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