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[Facts] What is the meaning of this Japanese name??!!
My Japanese friend has a name, "Reissa". I always have dificulties pronouncing this name, and so I always call her "Sa-sa" or "Issy", and I really want to call her her real name but every time she say, "It's ok " so she won't tell me how. Please help.
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I think that you did not spell it correctly. Please ask her to write her name in hiragana, and then look it up on any "hiragana" Web page.
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To the best of my knowledge, if you're asking how this name should be prounounced as well as what it means, the way it should be prounounced is as follows:Ray-eesaAt least that is how I would pronounce it if I met a Japanese person with that name (I haven't actually met someone with that name yet ^_~" ) But I do have a friend called Rei and you pronounce that as Ray.
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Are you asking two questions?I mean, are you asking how to pronounce her name as well as what it means? If so, Reissa is kinda pronounced "Lreh-ee-sah", the Lr combination meaning a "flattened" r, which I describe as somewhere between "l" and "r", and a "quickened" vowel sound (perhaps somewhere around the length of a transient thought, but that's just how I kinda time Japanese short vowels.)As for what it means, have you asked her to show you the kanji for her name? The kanji, along with the pronunciation, determines what a word (including a name) means.I hope I've helped you some. :)Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Minor correction, oops. :blush:It's pronounced Lrehehsah (I forgot that the romanji spelling ei is just the "long" e, which is just a slightly longer "eh" sound. A word that is most familiar to Westerners with the "long" e is "sensei" or teacher.Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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