[Facts] amethia
I have been searching mightily for the meaning of the name "Amethia" and have come up with no good results. Is there a meaning?
Amethia has the same etymology as "amethyst":
a (=non) methe (=drunkedness/inebriation)
i.e. inability to det drunk regardless of the amount imbibed.
a (=non) methe (=drunkedness/inebriation)
i.e. inability to det drunk regardless of the amount imbibed.
What does that have to do with a jewel/color? Y :)
The prevailing theory is that the stone Amethyst was named thus because is supposed to precent intoxication. In *A Margarite of America* (1596) Thomas Lodge wrote: "The amethist staieth drunkennesse".
My gut feeling is that Amethyst was name thus because it has the color of *good* wine! And *good* wine does not get you drunk, just pleasantly tipsy (hic!).
My gut feeling is that Amethyst was name thus because it has the color of *good* wine! And *good* wine does not get you drunk, just pleasantly tipsy (hic!).
Ohh! Personally as a teetotaller, I cannot see being tipsy as even remotely pleasant! ;P
Thx 4 info, Pav!
Y :)
Thx 4 info, Pav!
Y :)
That's cool, Y :)
I personally practice the suggestion carved in marble at the oracle of Delphi: "Pan metron ariston," i.e. "all things in good measure" :)
I personally practice the suggestion carved in marble at the oracle of Delphi: "Pan metron ariston," i.e. "all things in good measure" :)
If you go by me, teetotalism is hereditary...my dad hates alcohol! I have no prob with others', so long as it IS "Pan metron ariston,", but I've picked up enough beer cans off our country road for money I'd have to be dead to even taste the stuff, lol! Also, a friend had wine at a dinner we were at, and I smelled it in the sink afterwards and nearly keeled over! ;P :) Y :)
I think there is nothing more pathetic than a person drunk out of his/her mind! I feel that one of the reason that alcohol is such a problem in the US among teens are the age-laws. Illegal things can become appealing, and kids in the US have elevated beer drinking to a cult thing -- which leads to senseless beer guzzling and car accidents! In parts of the world where there are no age requirements (for example in Greece any 12 year old can march into a supermarket and buy a bottle of Vodka) drinking is not considered as "the thing to do" by kids, and there is virtually no alcoholism amond kids. But I digress :)
Keep digressing. It's in'resting. ;P
I'm sure you're right. I think that sort of thing would also account for teenage rebellion. I can watch my brother, as he becomes a man, trying to defy the head rooster's authority, lol! No matter how you grow up, there'll be a time when you want the opposite of everything you've been raised to.
Y :)
P.S.: Ya know, Pav, I just realized I've always seen you in my head so:
;P avlos , lol!
I'm sure you're right. I think that sort of thing would also account for teenage rebellion. I can watch my brother, as he becomes a man, trying to defy the head rooster's authority, lol! No matter how you grow up, there'll be a time when you want the opposite of everything you've been raised to.
Y :)
P.S.: Ya know, Pav, I just realized I've always seen you in my head so:
;P avlos , lol!
Maybe it a variation of amethyst?