[Opinions] Carissa or Karissa
I used to prefer Karissa because I like the K for some reason. No that I think about it, K kind od cheapens the name. I think Carissa looks much classier. Kinda like I am sorta beginning to like Cathrine better than Kathrine. And I have alwways liked Carly more than Karly. Prefer spelt Carli though :). WDYT? Carissa or Karissa?

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
Many terrorists go to America legally and hang around on expired visas (some for as long as 10 -15 years). At Blockbuster you're two days
late with a video rental and those people are all over you. I think we should put Blockbuster in charge of US immigration.
Many terrorists go to America legally and hang around on expired visas (some for as long as 10 -15 years). At Blockbuster you're two days
late with a video rental and those people are all over you. I think we should put Blockbuster in charge of US immigration.
Why not Charissa?
My name is Caitlin, all my other Caitlin-variation friends have spelt their names with a K. I think it
doesn't look as nice, I do agree that it looks trashier. However, I LOVE the look of Kassidy and not
Cassidy. I think I like the K because I knew a girl named Cassidy who was really smart, pretty,
strong, outspoken, brave, on-the-edge. I think I like the K because I feel it reflects that, in a weird
way. That's my two-cents :P
xx Cait xx
My name is Caitlin, all my other Caitlin-variation friends have spelt their names with a K. I think it
doesn't look as nice, I do agree that it looks trashier. However, I LOVE the look of Kassidy and not
Cassidy. I think I like the K because I knew a girl named Cassidy who was really smart, pretty,
strong, outspoken, brave, on-the-edge. I think I like the K because I feel it reflects that, in a weird
way. That's my two-cents :P
xx Cait xx
I prefer Karissa. There's not much in it though - sometimes I feel Carissa looks nicer.
Actually my spelling of choice would be Charissa, and I prefer just Charis.
"My universe is laced around your wrist; I am the bracelet you sport."
Actually my spelling of choice would be Charissa, and I prefer just Charis.
"My universe is laced around your wrist; I am the bracelet you sport."
I was just thinking about this name today-I love it! Sometimes I wonder if it's too frilly though...
I prefer the Carissa spelling. I prefer C's over K's in names 95% of the time.
I prefer the Carissa spelling. I prefer C's over K's in names 95% of the time.
i prefer Carissa.
i favour "C's" over "K's"
i favour "C's" over "K's"