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[Facts] Re: This should really...
I know I should have gone on the other board but don't see u there much. Thanks for the reply.
I do not like popular names in my country (Australia) which is similar to US. I would tend to go for the names that are traditional Welsh or are popular in Wales and not here. But not too unusual in spelling. One I like is Ceinwen pr CAY-win?Many Thanks
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Right, then.Ceinwen (kayn-wen) - the ei sound is halfway between ay and eye.
Popular in Wales currently:Girls:Seren (seh-ren)
Bethan (< Elisabeth)
Mali (mah (as in cat) -lee) (Ffion (fee-on) 'foxglove'
Cerys (keriss)
Carys (kariss)
Haf (hav (a as in car)) 'summer'
Angharad (ang-HAR-ad)
Gwenllian (gwen-hlee-an)
Eleri (eh-LAIR-ee). Also Teleri, Meleri.
Mererid (meh-RARE-id, < Margaret)
Lowri (low-ree, < Laura)
Manon - not the French name.
Siwan (sih-wan or shyoo-an, < Joan)
Nia - v. common. Actually from the Irish name, Niamh. This form was made popular by a play.
Eirwen (ayr-wen)
Eirlys (ayrleess) 'snowdrop'
Glesni (gless-nee)
Fflur (fleer) 'flower'
Gwawr 'dawn'
Heledd (hel-eth)
Meinir (may-neer) 'slender'More old fashioned: Eluned (eh-LIN-ed), Enid (eh-nid), Marged, Morfudd (mor-vith), Llinos (hlee-noss) ('lark'), Mair (mire, < Mary, very popular middle name), Anwen, Alwen, Delyth, Dilys (dil-iss), Gwladys (goo-LAD-iss), MennaBoys:Hedd (heh-th) dd = th as in then not as in think
Guto (gitto - this is a diminutive form of Gruffudd that is more popular than Gruffudd now)
Gwion (gwee-on)
Aled (ah (as in cat)-led) - river name
Eifion (ay-vee-on) mountain name, derived from a personal name
Ieuan (yay-an) very old form of John
Ceri (kerry) - unisex but mostly used for boys
Ifan (ee-van, < John)
Huw < Hugh
Gethin (gethin (NOT Jethin)) 'dark'
Eurig (ay-rig)
Euros (ay-ros)
Owain (oh-wine)
Emlyn (< Latin Aemilianus)
Griffri (grif-ree)
Lewys (leh-wiss (not loo-iss) < Lewis)
Cynon (cun-on)More old fashioned (not necessarily medieval): Gruffudd (griffith), Llywelyn (hloo-WEL-in), Rhodri (hrodree), Gwynfor (gwin-vor), Hywel (huh-wel),Really unisex: Eirian (ay-ree-an)
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Thanks so much...You are a Welsh Wizard, thanks heaps, I like some of the names very much, especially Ieuan, that is a great name. How does Ieuan Morgan-Davies sound? I may post this on the Baby Names Board and see what they think. Thanks again.Kyt
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Correction..Hedydd (hedith) 'lark'; Llinos - can't remember.
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