[Opinions] Korë!! And some combos with Catalan names
I've been a bit lost with names lately (not sure about what I really love), both in English -so, names I won't probably use- and in Catalan -names I'll use someday-. But today I was in a good mood, and I got this sib set I'm really LOVING, in English:
Hayden Rhys
India Celeste
Korë Stella -newest addition, I think it's so beautiful and fresh! (Kore for the link)
Zephyr Milo
Finnegan Charles "Finn"
And then, about Catalan names, I did as Ciarda suggested (thank you, Kerry, it took me long, huh?), and made up some combos with Catalan names, even though I probably won't use them...or I will, who knows? (Middle names are really uncommon here)
But, anyway, I'm really lost, I'm just sure about one girl's name, and two boys' names. I think I'll re-do my list with a book someday soon, I can't stand not having a good list that I'm sure of. So, the names are:
Hug Daniel -OOK duh-nee-ELLE, Daniel is quite common, but as a mn I wouldn't mind, and few Daniels use always their full name, most of them are "Dani".
Berenguer Jaume -buh-ruhn-GEH JOW-muh, "G" as in "get" and "JOW" as in NOW. Berenguer is really really unusual now, but it has lots of history, and it's a classic Catalan name. Jaume is usual among adults, but not so much among kids.
I also love Mateu, Romeu, Iu, Maties and Oleguer for a boy, but I prefer Hug and Berenguer.
For the girls:
Tanit Camèlia -tuh-NEET kuh-MEH-lee-uh, both names are totally unheard of, and I've loved Tanit for almost as long as I remember.
I'm also thinking about:
Ginebra Queralt -ji-NEH-bruh kuh-rAHL, I adore it, but as I explained on the post about Ginevra down the board, it must be difficult to be named Ginebra, since it means gin in Catalan.
Estel·la, Elisenda, Meritxell, Cora (similar to Korë), Griselda, Tura, Cèlia, Zoa... are also in my mind.
So, what do you think of all the names?
Thanks a lot!
EDIT: to add the link to Korë (Kore)

Hayden Rhys
India Celeste
Korë Stella -newest addition, I think it's so beautiful and fresh! (Kore for the link)
Zephyr Milo
Finnegan Charles "Finn"
And then, about Catalan names, I did as Ciarda suggested (thank you, Kerry, it took me long, huh?), and made up some combos with Catalan names, even though I probably won't use them...or I will, who knows? (Middle names are really uncommon here)
But, anyway, I'm really lost, I'm just sure about one girl's name, and two boys' names. I think I'll re-do my list with a book someday soon, I can't stand not having a good list that I'm sure of. So, the names are:
Hug Daniel -OOK duh-nee-ELLE, Daniel is quite common, but as a mn I wouldn't mind, and few Daniels use always their full name, most of them are "Dani".
Berenguer Jaume -buh-ruhn-GEH JOW-muh, "G" as in "get" and "JOW" as in NOW. Berenguer is really really unusual now, but it has lots of history, and it's a classic Catalan name. Jaume is usual among adults, but not so much among kids.
I also love Mateu, Romeu, Iu, Maties and Oleguer for a boy, but I prefer Hug and Berenguer.
For the girls:
Tanit Camèlia -tuh-NEET kuh-MEH-lee-uh, both names are totally unheard of, and I've loved Tanit for almost as long as I remember.
I'm also thinking about:
Ginebra Queralt -ji-NEH-bruh kuh-rAHL, I adore it, but as I explained on the post about Ginevra down the board, it must be difficult to be named Ginebra, since it means gin in Catalan.
Estel·la, Elisenda, Meritxell, Cora (similar to Korë), Griselda, Tura, Cèlia, Zoa... are also in my mind.
So, what do you think of all the names?
Thanks a lot!
EDIT: to add the link to Korë (Kore)

This message was edited 6/16/2005, 2:57 PM
I know, Tanit is soooo beautiful! :-D
I think Queralt is a very nice name, I don't love it enough to use it as a fn, but I love to see it on somebody else's kid.
I wonder about Romeu on a real person too...but some weeks ago I saw a birth announcement on the newspaper and there was a little Romeu, he was so cute! I think it wouldn't be so bad.

I think Queralt is a very nice name, I don't love it enough to use it as a fn, but I love to see it on somebody else's kid.
I wonder about Romeu on a real person too...but some weeks ago I saw a birth announcement on the newspaper and there was a little Romeu, he was so cute! I think it wouldn't be so bad.

I love your selections esp India Celeste. Don't be surprised to hear India isn't a name it's a country. It's not really a fan favorite around here. I Love it though.
Allison Meghan Elizabeth
My favorite girl names Catherine,Amalia,,Ingrid,Aurora,Lydia
My favorite boy names
Lachlan, Gabriel,Elias,John, James,Gareth
Yes, I know many people doesn't like it, but I think it's so sweet! I think it was Alice that said me a while ago that British people tend to like it more than others...

Well, I pronunce it "KAW-ree", or "KAWr-ee", as you'd say in English (is that right?). I think it fits with the Greek pronunciation.