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[Facts] Re: A-MEN, Your Satanicness!
I understand. I've volunteered at the local VA, and I've seen the aftereffects of war can be, but I also volunteer at the International Institute in Milwaukee, and I've seen the aftereffects of "people" like Hussein.Personally, I've kept myself out of the "discussions" concerning war (pro and anti), but I know people who are in the armed forces over there right now.Personally, I wouldn't call Bush (to cleanse your terminology a bit) a fookhead because it's derrogatory (sp?) to all true fookheads.I feel sorriest for the non-human residents of the region (cats, dogs, fish, reptiles, amphibians [if there are amphibians there], and other similar creatures) who can't really escape whatever happens, and/or have been in that particular region so long that they've adapted to the climates and such.Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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